Christ the King bidding prayers, 3rd Sunday in Lent (25 Feb 2016)

Priest  We pray that our journey through Lent will make us more aware of our needs

The response is   The Lord is compassion and love

We pray for the Church that it will be slow to anger and rich in mercy in order to overcome evil with good    PAUSE

The Lord …….is compassion and love

As the peace candle sheds its light in a number  of homes we pray for peace and peacemakers, for those who suffer and those who care for them

PAUSE      The Lord …….is compassion and love

We pray for the people of Wales as we celebrate St David’s Day.  May they remember their Christian heritage.         PAUSE

The Lord …….is compassion and love

Lent is a time when we ask forgiveness and honestly admit our sins.  We remember the messages of Jesus, messages of  love, justice and mercy

PAUSE     The Lord……….is compassion and love

We pray for women and men who work together for their families and the wider community        PAUSE      The Lord …… compassion and love

We pray quietly for our own needs           LONGER PAUSE

We ask Mary to be our refuge as we say      Hail Mary ………….

Heavenly Father we make our prayers with trust and hope.  We ask this through Jesus your Son and the Holy Spirit for ever Amen