All posts by 3 churches

Divine Mercy

“Lord have mercy – Christ have mercy – Lord have mercy”
“Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us”

These are just two of the many references to God’s mercy in the liturgy. In response to the mythical experiences of St Faustina in the early 20th century, Pope St John Paul II named this Sunday as Divine Mercy Sunday.

We pray not so much for God to be more merciful – that is God’s nature – but rather for a greater openness to that mercy in our lives and the lives of all peoples in our troubled world.

Fr Matthew

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Against the background of pandemic and Ukraine among other things we may find it hard to greet one another with these words. But we must dig down into the roots of our faith that we celebrate on this Feast of the Resurrection. Deep down below the painful and the appalling, to reach the Good News planted in the depths of our human experience by the Jesus who burst out of the tomb on this day. May he shine his Easter light in all our lives so brightly that it shines out through our faces, our hearts, and our lives into our world. So… yes… Happy Easter!

Fr Matthew

Bidding prayers for Sunday 17 April 2022 (Easter)

CELEBRANT – Gathered together on this great feast day remembering that the Lord is truly risen. We offer these prayers to God Our Father.

READER – We pray for the Church, may Christians everywhere rejoice in the resurrection of Christ. We especially pray for Ioan Davies, who has been received into the Church this Easter. We also rejoice in the baptisms of Cathy and Jessica Moore at this time.

READER – Lord Hear Us

RESPONSE – Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER – May the Risen Christ bring peace and reconciliation to war-torn countries.

READER – Lord Hear Us

RESPONSE – Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER That we as individuals bring the light of Christ to our parishes and play a more active role in strengthening and enhancing these communities.

READER Lord Hear Us

RESPONSE Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER – For those who have passed through death and into new life. We pray for Brendan Murphy, brother of Marie O’Brien, Howard Lingham, Jack Minto and Ann Warner

READER Lord Hear Us

RESPONSE Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER In quietness we stand before the Father in all our frailty, carrying all our needs and the needs of others that we know.

READER – Lord Hear Us

RESPONSE – Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER – We ask Mary the mother of Jesus to pray with us as we say Hail Mary……

CELEBRANT – Father with love and gratitude in our hearts we ask you to change our darkness into light, doubt into faith and weakness into strength. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
