All posts by 3 churches

Easing of Covid restrictions in St Brigid’s church

This weekend (Sunday 13 February) marks a significant step in the easing of Covid restrictions in St Brigid’s Church.

Some restrictions remain:

  • face masks must still be worn at all times
  • registering your attendance is still required (much simpler and quicker if you use the NHS app)
  • sanitising your hands on the way into church is still required
  • ventilation remains vital and so doors and windows must remain open throughout – on windy or cold days an extra layer may be needed


  • from this Sunday 13 February there will be less stewarding – please find your own seat whilst respecting the space of others
  • try to remain at least 1 metre from your neighbour – this will permit 3 individuals or two couples per pew
  • seats on the “Sacred Heart” side remain designated for those who wish to remain 2 metres from others
  • these pews can accommodate 2 individuals or 1 couple plus one individual

To receive Holy Communion, please approach the Eucharistic Minister in single file, just as we have been doing. When offering the consecrated host the minister will, once again, say, “The Body of Christ” to which you should reply, “Amen”, receive the host and return to your seat.

The use of hymn books returns. Please take a blue one and a black one on your way into church and return them as you leave. Those seated in the “Sacred Heart” side should leave their books in the side chapel as they leave.

Mass leaflets will, once again, be available as well as printed Parish Newsletters. Once used, please take them home with you. Do not leave them in the church.

When mass is ended, please leave the church in the way we have become used to. Try to maintain sufficient space from others and move away from the doors as quickly as possible and so avoid congestion inside the church.

Kneelers may now be used and Votive candles can now be lit.

All welcome

In this last month of the parish phase of the worldwide Synod, we offer great opportunities for anyone to contribute who hasn’t yet done so.

This weekend at Christ the King (in the Parish Centre, after Mass on Saturday evening and after Sunday 9am Mass), and on Monday 21 February in St Brigid’s Hall there will be open meetings.

In St Brigid’s at 2.30pm to 3.30pm and 7 to 8pm members of the 3 Churches Synod Team will be available to listen to your thoughts and ideas.

Alternatively, there are Post-it walls and/or boxes in all three churches for your ideas for the future of Our Church. All contributions are valued!

Fr Matthew

Bidding prayers for 6th Sunday of Year (13 February 2022)

PRIEST: Putting our trust in the Lord let us now place before Him our prayers for the

Church, the world and ourselves.

1  As we continue our Synodal journey let us pray that we will all take this opportunity to speak up openly and honestly and to listen to each other attentively as we share our lived experiences of Church life.

Loving Father in whom we put our trust, Hear our prayer

2  We pray for our political leaders – that they will lead and govern us with honesty and integrity.


Loving Father in whom we put our trust, Hear our prayer

3  On this Racial Justice Sunday, aware that we are all “in the image and likeness of God” let us pray for those who are experiencing any kind of discrimination, segregation or oppression whether in the Church or in society.

Loving Father in whom we put our trust, Hear our prayer

4  Let us pray that each one of us will be given the strength and courage to accept the challenges and blessings of the Beatitudes

Loving Father in whom we put our trust, Hear our prayer

5  We pray for the success of our new 3 Churches initiative – ‘Living Faith’. May those who are sharing their faith stories inspire and encourage those of us who are listening.

Loving Father in whom we put our trust, Hear our prayer

6  Let us now spend a few moments in silent prayer, bringing to the Lord our personal needs and intentions.

7  And we ask Mary, our mother, to intercede for us in our prayers today as we say, Hail Mary….

PRIEST: God our loving Father we ask you to hear our prayers; those we have spoken and those still in our hearts and grant what we need. We ask this through your Son, Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remembering our sick

Friday is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, World Day for the Sick. Sickness in all its forms has been so much in the news, in our lives, in our hearts over the last years.

The sick are not “out there”, somehow not quite inside the life of the Church. They are a vital part, showing us what Mother Teresa referred to as the distressing face of Jesus – one of His faces, but a vital one if we are to understand why he came.

So please remember those around us who are sick in mind, body or spirit. Let’s pray for them, and reach out to them in whatever way you can. We are reaching out to the Lord.

Fr Matthew