All posts by 3 churches

Bidding prayers for 5th Sunday of year C (6 February 2022)

CELEBRANT: In faith and with confidence we offer these prayers to the Father.

 READER: As the global Church moves through the Synodal Process. Give her the courage to move through deep unchartered waters with honesty, respect and  transparency.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: That politicians treat the public whom they serve with decency and respect.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us           

READER: That each of us responds to the call of Jesus in our own special way.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: For the sick, the anxious and fearful that they feel God is with them, carrying them, leading them in love.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: For those who have died, that the Lord may lead them safely home. We pray especially for Michael Mathews and Pat McConnell, both long-time parishioners of Christ the King who have died this week.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: In quietness we place before God our Father our own personal prayers.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: We ask Mary the mother of Jesus to pray with us as we say… Hail Mary…

CELEBRANT: Father we place these petitions before you through your son Jesus Christ our Lord



Synod news

The parish phase of the worldwide Synod taking place at the moment wants to reach beyond the regular congregations.

We need to provide opportunities for those who are no longer active participating members of the Church.

In the Archdiocese of Cardiff there will be an evening of discussion open to all from across South East Wales and Herefordshire. It will take place on Tuesday 8 February 7pm – 8.30pm via Zoom. Register by emailing

Please pass this information on – asking what do YOU think of the Catholic Church?

Have you walked away from the Church?

Do you have issues with the Church’s teachings?

We need to hear from you. Pope Francis has asked for the Church to listen. We want you to be heard.

Bidding prayers for 4th Sunday in Ordinary time (30 January 2022)

Priest: We turn to the Lord, our help and our refuge, and ask him for all we need.

Reader: We pray for the success of the Catholic Synod; that our community will participate so as to enable progress and understanding in our Church.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for the people of Tonga, as they continue to struggle following the volcanic eruption and Tsunami: may they be given the strength and assistance they need to begin to recover and rebuild their lives.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for the gift of love: that we may love one another as Jesus has loved us and radiate warmth and friendliness to those around us.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us. 

 Reader: We pray for the sick, the elderly and housebound, and those in any sort of distress, may they know the healing power of God’s love.

Lord, hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for those who have died, that through their faith in Christ, they may be welcomed into God’s kingdom. We remember especially Christine Geen whose funeral will take place this week.

 Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Together we ask for the intercession of Our Blessed Lady as we say Hail Mary.…..

Now we pray for a while in silence for our personal needs.

Priest: Heavenly Father, confident in your saving help, we offer you all our prayers through Jesus, your Son, who lives and reigns with you, forever and ever.
