All posts by 3 churches

Bidding prayers for the 2 January 2022

Priest : With confidence in God’s loving mercy, we bring before Him our prayers and petitions.

1, We pray for Pope Francis priests and all religious, that may they be faithful teachers, wise administrators.  May their word and example inspire all the people of this diocese. 

Lord, hear us. Lord Graciously hear us.

2.We pray for World leaders; may they do everything in their power to extend education to all and to combat the extremist forces that are terrorising the world. 

Lord, hear us.  Lord Graciously hear us.

3. We pray for the Synod and for all parishioners in our Three Churches to have the courage to voice how they see our church and their dream church for the future.

Lord, hear us.  Lord Graciously hear us.

4. We pray for the sick of our three churches, and those who care for them, Lord we ask for your protection against  Covid and encourage all to take up the offer of immunisation.

Lord, hear us.  Lord Graciously hear us.

5. We commend to the Lord all who have recently died and their families left behind
May they have light and peace. 

Lord, hear us.  Lord Graciously hear us.

We now ask Mary, our Blessed Lady, to intercede for us in our prayers as we say Hail Mary…

We now offer our private prayers and intentions to Our Lord.

Priest: Lord Our God, help us to love you above all things with a love that is worthy of you. Look kindly on the prayers of your people made today through your son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

Bidding prayers for Holy Family, Sunday 26 December 2021

Priest: Today we celebrate the Holy Family of Nazareth, who experienced joy and sorrow, peace and anxiety just as we do. We bring to the Lord the needs of all families.

Reader: We pray for the leaders of our Church that they may continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit during the year ahead and provide an inspiration for others to follow.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer 

Reader: We pray for our parish family that during the coming year, our faith may be increased and our community life be enhanced.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer

Reader: We pray for children who are suffering from neglect or abuse, and those who are abandoned or orphaned that they may be rescued and cared for.

Lord in your mercy ,Hear our prayer

Reader: We pray for all in our community who are ill, may the Lord bless them and bring them healing.

Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer

Reader: We pray for deceased members of our own families. May we one day be reunited with them in our heavenly home.

Lord in your mercy , Hear our prayer

Let us ask Mary, the Mother of our Saviour, to support us with her prayers
as we say: Hail Mary……

Now, in silence, we pray for our own needs and intentions.

Priest: These and all our prayers we bring to you , Loving Father, through Jesus Christ , your Son, who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.

Keep each other safe

In the light of the rapid spread of the Omicron variant of Covid-19, and in light of Welsh Government recommendations, parishioners are requested, wherever possible, to take a Lateral Flow Test in good time, on each occasion, before setting out for church in the coming weeks.
Lateral flow test kits should be available, FREE OF CHARGE, from your local pharmacy. You can also order them online (free of charge) at….
If the test proves positive, follow the instructions in the pack and do not come to church until you get a negative test result.
Many thanks for your co-operation.
Together we can slow the spread and keep each other safe.