Category Archives: bidding prayers

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for Easter (year C), 2019

Priest: Dear friends, we have reflected on the story of our salvation and renewed our baptismal promises. Now we offer our prayers to the Father with hearts full of hope.

Reader: Let us pray for all those who have come into full communion with the Church on this holy night. On Easter morning, we welcome in baptism Harry Oliver Biggs and we pray for his family and community of Christ the King as they share their faith with him……..Pause

Father, in your love, hear our prayer.

We pray for peace and reconciliation wherever they are most needed……. Pause

Father, in your love, hear our prayer.

Let us pray that the Church may always be an active influence in the world to care for the poor and overlooked; and for those who are enslaved by people or addiction…. Pause

Father, in your love, hear our prayer.

We pray for Cora Carroll who died earlier this week. She was a long and faithful member of St Brigid’s with her sisters Maureen and Teresa and our thoughts are with her family and friends. We remember all who have died in recent months: may those who mourn find strength for the future in the light of Easter…. Pause

Father, in your love, hear our prayer.

Let us be quiet for a few moments, in the joy of God’s love for us…….Longer pause…..(No response)

Let us share in the joy and prayer of Our Lady as we say:

O Queen of Heaven rejoice, alleluia,

For the Son whom you merited to bear, alleluia,

Has risen as He said, alleluia;

Pray to God for us, alleluia,

Rejoice and be glad. O Virgin Mary, alleluia

Because the Lord is truly risen, alleluia!

Priest: Creator God, risen Son, Holy Spirit: grant us, if it be your will, what we ask as your loving children. Amen.                    

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 4th Sunday in Lent, 2019

PRIEST – Confident of the mercy of our God we place before Him the needs of the Church, the world and ourselves.

READER – The response to our petitions is – “Merciful Lord ………… Listen favourably to our prayers”

Let us pray for the Church that she can put behind her the scandals of recent years and be a source of love and mercy to all, leading us closer to God…..pause……. Merciful Lord………..Listen favourably to our prayers.

There is too much conflict, inequality and oppression in our world and so we pray that those leaders and politicians who are in a position of influence will work more effectively to bring about change for the better….pause…Merciful Lord………..

We pray for the leaders of the U.K. and Europe that the current negotiations will involve compromise and result in a solution which is beneficial to all……pause…..Merciful Lord……

Let us pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died including Julia Churchhouse and Anne Cronin, whose funerals are on 9th and 11th April respectively…..pause……Merciful Lord………

In a few moments of silence, let us listen for the voice of the Lord and put before Him our own needs…….longer pause…Merciful Lord….

We ask Mary our Mother to join with us in our prayers, as we say… Hail Mary….

PRIEST – We make all our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour…. Amen


Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 2nd Sunday in Lent, 2019

Priest: The Lord is our light and our help, let us call on him for our needs and the needs of the world.

Reader: Let us pray for the Church: for all the holy people of God, and for those preparing to be received into the Church at Easter.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.  

Reader: Let us pray for our leaders, that in these uncertain times they will choose to work in the interests of the most vulnerable in our society.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer

Reader: Let us pray for victims of war and terrorism, remembering especially those killed in the attacks in New Zealand this week. We pray that the hearts of men and women are turned away from violence and hatred and towards justice and reconciliation.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer

Reader: We pray for our 3 churches, and especially remember our young people preparing for the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist and for the Catechists who teach them. May they all receive inspiration and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader: We pray for family and friends who have died. May they rest in peace in their homeland in heaven and see Jesus in all his glory. We remember especially Lilian Dyer.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask for the intercession of Our Blessed Lady as we say – Hail Mary.…..

Let us pray for a while in silence.

Priest: Heavenly Father, in your goodness, listen to our petitions and answer our prayer of faith. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 1st Sunday of Lent, 2019

As we commence the season of Lent we are encouraged by Pope Francis to learn to love again and thus become beacons of God’s love for the world.

Our response is “Be with us Lord in all our endeavours”

We pray for the worldwide church remembering especially our brothers and sisters in Syria and the Middle East who live in constant danger because they choose to follow Christ


We pray……Lord, be with us in all our endeavours

Tonight many will sleep on the streets of Cardiff and other cities because they are homeless .We pray for them and the agencies and individuals who work to relieve their plight


We pray….Lord be with us in all our endeavours

We remember now all the deceased of our Three Churches and mention especially Evelyn Trueman and Lillian Dyer who died recently. May the Lord greet them joyfully and may their friends be comforted in their time of loss


We pray…..Lord be with us in all our endeavours

We listen with concern to the discussions between Britain and The European Union regarding our withdrawal and pray for a just and equitable solution which will recognise the needs of all including refugees who struggle to make  homes in a strange country                    


We pray,,,,,,Lord be with us all our endeavours

For a few moments let us listen in our hearts to the voice of our Loving Father


We ask Mary our mother, to take up our concerns and join us in our prayers saying Hail Mary ….etc 

Heavenly Father, listen to our petitions and and grant them through Jesus your Beloved Son who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit forever.









Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 8th Sunday of Year C, 2019

Priest: Acknowledging our weakness we come before the Father to ask for healing and growth in His love.

Reader: The response to our prayers is “Hear our prayer”

As we approach Lent may the Church, our parish and ourselves respond to the Pope’s call to renew our hearts through repentance, conversion and forgiveness..


Merciful Father: Hear our prayer. 

We pray for world peace, especially at this time between India and Pakistan.


Merciful Father: Hear our prayer. 

May our society find a way to rescue and support those young people involved in gangs and drug running, and also to help remedy those family and other circumstances that make children and young people vulnerable to exploitation.


Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

We pray for Arthur James Calnan and Delyth Itoro who are being baptised this weekend; may the seed of faith grow and flourish in their lives, nurtured by their family and god-parents.


Merciful Father: Hear our prayer

We remember Lilian Dyer, John Hall and Evelyn Trueman who have died recently; receive them into the joy of Your kingdom, and comfort those who grieve for them.


Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

In the silence of our hearts we pray for all our other needs.


We ask Mary, our mother, to join our prayers to her own, us as we say

Hail Mary ….

Priest: Heavenly Father, we ask you to look with kindness on our petitions for our growth and the growth of the world in your loving service. We ask You this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.





Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2019

PRIEST – Let us turn to God our Father and ask Him to look favourably on all the needs of the world, the Church and ourselves.

Reader – We pray for the Church throughout the world that she may always be true to the teaching of Jesus in guiding your people…………..Lord hear us…….

As this weekend we remember the need for racial justice, we pray that we will always treat others as brothers and sisters irrespective of their race or country of origin………….Lord hear us………..

Let us pray for the repose of the souls of all who have died recently and for the comfort of their families and friends……………….Lord hear us……………

We  remember in our prayers those who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way that they may experience the healing comfort of God and have compassionate care………….Lord hear us…………..

In a few moments of silence we place our own needs before our Heavenly Father……………..Lord hear us

We now ask Mary our Mother to join our prayers with hers as we say……………..

Hail Mary… 

PRIEST – We make all our prayers through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour,
