Category Archives: bidding prayers

Christ the King bidding prayers, 23 December 2018 (4th Sunday in Advent)

Celebrant:We bring our petitions to you Lord, on the last Sunday of Advent, and ask you to answer our prayers.

Reader:We pray for the leaders of the Church, that they will be inspired by the example of Mary our mother.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader:As Christmas is about to dawn, we pray for our own 3 Churches community, that we will be ready to welcome Christ with open hearts.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader:As our children and young people start their holidays, let us remember those who teach and lecture to them. We pray that those who are entrusted with the education of our young people may enjoy a refreshing holiday and be willing and able to take up the challenge again in January.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader:We pray for those suffering from illness, and those who are too sick to be at home with their families this Christmas. 

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader: Let us pray for those who have died, particularly those whose anniversaries occur at this time, that they may be at rest in the peace and joy of God’s heavenly kingdom.

We ask Mary, the Mother of our Saviour, to help us with our prayers as we say Hail Mary…

We pray in silence for our own needs and intentions.

Celebrant : Lord, we pray that you will grant our prayers in the name of Jesus, who brings hope to the world. Amen.

Christ the King bidding prayers, 16 December 2018 (3rd Sunday of Advent)

Priest. Today our readings fill us with joy and excitement at the nearness of the arrival of Our Lord. Let us then turn to our loving Father and humbly submit our petitions

Reader: Our response is “ Give thanks to the Lord”

R. Let us pray for the Church throughout the world remembering especially the Middle East that peace my be found and the peoples of those lands may know  peace in their time


R, We pray…….”give  thanks to the Lord”

R, We pray now for a successful outcome to he Brexit negotations now ongoing that the rights of all the peoples of Europe may be respected and we can  move forward to a civilised and respectful relationship with all nations


R. We pray……” give thanks to he Lord”

R.  Let us remember all those from our Three Churches who have died recently bearing in mind Nich Pearson from our own community  and Fr John Owen  whom we remember was  regular Mass celebrant with us . We call to mind all those who mourn and pray that the Lord may comfort them in their time of loss

R. We pray……..”Give thanks to the Lord”

R.Let us think about those who are homeless at this time. We pray for them and all who work to relieve their plight

R. We pray …….Give thanks to the Lord

R.In our hearts let us make space so that the Lord may speak to us

R.As we remember the coming joy of Christmas we ask Mary to join us in prayer………HAILMARY

P, Heavenly Father,hear and grant our petitions through Jesus Your Son who lives in glory with you and the Hioly Spirit forever                                                AMEN

Christ the King bidding prayers, 25 November 2018 (Feast of Christ the King)

Priest.      Gathered together as the community of Christ the King on our 40thAnniversary, we put our petitions before the Lord

Reader :         The response is;                  

Lord, in your mercy

Hear our prayer

We pray for our Church and its members as we give thanks for 40 years as a Parish community.  May we continue to grow in faith and provide fellowship to one another….………pause………

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

We pray for the priests and lay people who have served our Parish in the past, thinking especially of those who, 40 years ago, had the vision and commitment to begin the work of building our Church…… ……  pause ………

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

And we remember the clergy and members of the Parish who have died during the lifetime of the Parish.  We give thanks for their contribution and pray that they may they rest in peace….… ……  pause ………

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

Turning to the wider world, we pray that we find ways of reaching out and supporting those in need, and sharing the message of God’s love with others.  … …  pause

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

And we pray for our young people who represent the future of our Parish. May they continue to know the presence of our loving God, as they make their way in the world.… … pause

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

Lastly,for ourselves as we take a few moments in silence to listen to the Lord.  …………longer pause……………….

We ask Mary to add a mother’s prayer to our own saying;

            Hail Mary………….

Priest.      God of love, listen to our petitions and grant them through him who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit.  

Christ the king bidding prayers, 18 November 2018

Priest: In today’s readings we are reminded of the inevitability of the Great Final Judgement   but we are also reminded of the Lord’s forgiveness and the comfort which he offers to us at all times. Accordingly, we bring our petitions to him with the confidence of well loved children  

Reader. Our response is “ Lord  hear and grant our prayers”

R. We pray for he Church throughout the world remembering especially those areas where to be a follower of Christ is to be in daily danger of death


R. We pray ……….”Lord , hear and grant our prayers”

R.Let us remember all who have perished in the Californian forest fires and all who have survived and now must try to re-build their lives  bereft of in many cases of loved ones who have been lost


R. We pray….”Lord hear and granr our prayers”

R.Let us pray for all who are engaged in the brexit negotations on our behalf. May the Lord guide them to a  settlement which is based in justice for all parties


R. we pray……”Lord  hear and grant our prayers”

R. As winter commences we rember those who are living on our streets and pray for the Lord’s protection for them a nd his guidance for all who work to relieve their plight         


R.  We pray……”Lord hear and grant our prayers”

R  We pray now for the deceased of our Three Churches and ask that  they may now rest in the Lord. We pray also for comfort for their grieving families and friends


R, We pray …….”Lord hear and grnt our prayers”

R. In the quiet of our hearts let us listen to the voice of our loving Father

                                    LONGER PAUSE

R.We ask Mary our Mother to join her prayer to ours saying HAIL MARY….etc 

Priest: Heavenly Father, hear and grant our petitions through Jesus Your Beloved Son who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit forever


Christ the King bidding prayers, 11 November 2018

Priest – As God’s faithful children we place before our Heavenly Father the needs of the Church, the world and ourselves confident that He will look favourably upon our petitions

Reader – The response to our petitions is–Hear our prayer.

As we remember those who died in the war which ended 100 years ago this weekend, we pray that such slaughter will never occur again and that the leaders of the world will work for the end of all conflict.

…..pause. Heavenly Father…….Hear our prayer

We pray for the repose of the souls of those recently deceased, in particular Bernie Theeswaran and Dorothy Wooding whose funerals took place this last week and Theresa Thomas who died last weekend and whose funeral is on Wednesday – may they rest in peace…………..

Pause. Heavenly Father ……………Hear our prayer.

We pray for all members of the 3 churches that we may all grow in faith and love for our loving God and to show that love to those we meet

……….pause. Heavenly Father……… Hear our prayer

We pray for our neighbours in the streets where prayer cards have been distributed in the last few days – that they may be influenced to turn to our Heavenly Father in prayer

……pause. Heavenly Father…………. Hear our prayer            

We pray for all who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way that they may feel the healing comfortof God and receive compassionate care

…….pause…….Heavenly Father……Hear our prayer

In a few moments of quiet let us pray to our Heavenly Father for our own needs

…………..longer pause…….

Mary is the mother of Jesus and our mother and we ask for her support in our prayers as we say……..Hail Mary

Priest – We make all our prayers to you our Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus your son and our brother…..Amen

Christ the King bidding prayers, 1 November 2018 (All Saints)

CELEBRANT:As the people of God on earth, let us join our prayers with all the saints in Heaven, for the needs of women and men all over the world.

READER:  For those who bring goodness to the world.

 Lord Hear Us, Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER:That we become holy,

Lord Hear Us, Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER: That communities are strengthened 

Lord Hear Us, Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER: That we remember those   who have died and remain very close to us ,they have been transfigured into light, power and  love ,and pray with ,and for us.

Lord Hear Us, Lord Graciously Hear Us

READER:We ask Mary the Mother of God to pray with us as we say Hail Mary…….

READER:  In quiet and stillness we bring to God our personal prayers and longings

Lord Hear Us, Lord Graciously Hear Us

CELEBRANT:Father listen to our prayers offered in faith through your Son Jesus Christ Our Lord ,Amen