Category Archives: bidding prayers

Christ the King bidding prayers, 7 October 2018

P.      Gathered together as a Christian community, we put our petitions before the Lord

Reader: For the Church and for the success of our parish groups and activities, as we come together to strengthen our faith and provide fellowship to one another …………pause………

Lord, in your mercy–(Hear our prayer)

For the people of Indonesia whose lives have been devastated by the earthquake and for those trying to bring them shelter and relief.  … …  pause

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

For our young people.  Bless them and give them hope and confidence as they settle into their schools, colleges and new jobs.  And we pray for the very young, especially Harley Ayres who will be baptised on Sunday / today.  May he grow in the love of the Lord, and may his parents know the joy of your presence in their family  …….…. pause ………….

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

We pray for the repose of the soul of Mary Taylor, whose funeral takes place this week.  Mary was a long time parishioner of our Parish, and we pray for her family and friends and for all who mourn loved ones.  May they be comforted.…..…. pause ….

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

Lastly,for ourselves as we take a few moments in silence to listen to the Lord.  …………longer pause……………….

We ask Mary to add a mother’s prayer to our own saying;

            Hail Mary………….

P.      God of love, listen to our petitions and grant them through him who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit.  

Christ the King bidding prayers, 2 September 2018

Priest: We turn to our loving Father with hope and trust as we bring him all our needs

Reader:The response to our prayers is Hear our prayer”

May we not get so fixed on liturgical and other prescriptions that, like the pharisees, we fail to understand the true meaning of faith. Through listening to God’s word within us may we seek to transform our lives to live by Jesus’ teaching.

Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

Saturday is the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. May we respond to the Pope’s wish that we take seriously our responsibility as stewards of creation, which God has entrusted to our care.

Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

We pray for Louie James Coombs, Eva Barbara and George Harry Kinsey, who are being baptised this weekend. May they grow up to rejoice in their faith, and may their parents, grandparents and god-parents nurture that faith through their example.

Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

We pray for our children and young people that they may look forward to their return to school this week. We pray especially for those going to school for the first time or changing schools, that they may find a warm and welcoming community.

Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

We remember all teachers, especially those starting out, and Mr Brunnock, the new head of Corpus Christi. May they enjoy their role and build caring and inspirational school communities.

Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

We pray for those who have died, that through their faith in Christ 

they may be welcomed into the fullness of life with him in heaven. We remember especially Bob Churchouse, a long time parishioner who has died recently.

Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

In the silence of our hearts we pray for all our other needs. 

We ask Our Lady, born to be mother of Jesus and mother of the Church, to offer our prayers with her own, us as we say Hail Mary ….

Priest:Heavenly Father, we ask you to grant our petitions so that our faith may be renewed, and the Church may be an unwavering beacon of love and hope in the world. We ask you this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Christ the King bidding prayers, 12 August 2018

The Celebrant will introduce and also conclude the prayer. The reader should pause for several moments between the intercession and its response. Leave about 20 seconds for quiet prayer. There is no response after this – move straight to the Hail Mary.

CELEBRANT:Sisters and brothers: the psalmist called, the Lord heard him and rescued him from his distress. Let us likewise call on the Lord to hear our prayers.

READERThe response is: Lord, graciously hear us.

READER: Let us pray for the Church, particularly in the United States, in Chile and in Honduras, sickened and saddened to find those who should have offered inspired leadership have been abusive or negligent. May they remain faithful to Christ Jesus, kind and forgiving, even though this is hard…….. (PAUSE)…… Lord, hear us …..Lord, graciously hear us.

READER: We pray for those who manage other people. May they value their staff as individuals and help them to develop their full potential..….. (PAUSE) ……Lord, hear us….Lord, graciously hear us.

READERLet us pray for Catholics in Iraq as they struggle to rebuild in often dangerous situations..… (PAUSE)……Lord, hear us…. Lord, graciously hear us.

READERLet us pray for those who receive their A level results this week. Let us give thanks for their hard work, rejoice with those who have achieved the results they wanted and console those who are disappointed… (PAUSE)……Lord, hear us…. Lord, graciously hear us.

READER: Let us pray for those who are deaf and cannot hear the proclamation of the gospel. May we help them be part of our worshipping community……… (PAUSE)……Lord, hear us….Lord, graciously hear us.

READER: We pray for those lost in the wilderness of our cities. May they find food, friends and faith to continue their journey ……… (PAUSE)……Lord, hear us….Lord, graciously hear us.

READER: Let us consider the needs of our parish community and any personal need  (Long Pause)…. Let us ask the intercession of our Lady: Hail Mary..

After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.

CELEBRANT: Lord, hear and grant our prayers through Christ Jesus, Amen.


Christ the king bidding prayers, 5 August 2018

Priest:We turn to God our loving father and ask him for all our needs

Reader:We pray that the Lord may guide and protect the Church in Her mission to spread the Good News of salvation for all people.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the homeless we see on our streets and those who are hidden from our sight. May community concern persuade all levels of government to work together to provide them with shelter and support.

 Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all of our young people who are waiting for exam results.  We ask you to be with them and to grant them the wisdom to discern what future path to choose. 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for those who care for the mentally and physically ill, especially those who bear this burden on their own. May they be given the help and support they need.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

          We pray for all those who have died; that they may find eternal rest.

          Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary, our Mother, to join her prayers with our as we say Hail Mary…

In silence now we make our own private prayers to God.

Priest:God our Father, trusting in your constant care and protection, we bring you these prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen

3 churches bidding prayers, 29 July 2018

Priest:    We come together as a community to ask God our Father for our needs and for the needs of others

Reader :         The response is;                  

Lord, in your mercy

Hear our prayer

We pray that we be inspired to find new ways to support our Parish Priests and our parish community  .… … … … … … pause … 

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

We pray for the people affected by natural disasters, most recently the fires in Greece.  May they be supported in rebuilding their lives.– – – – -pause – – – – – – 

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

We pray for world leaders, especially those in newly emerging nations.  May they find the courage to work towards the elimination of corruption in government and avoid the very ready temptation of self-interest – – – – -pause – – – – – – 

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

We pray for children and young people everywhere, especially those who are in care, and young homeless people; and we pray for social workers and others trying to meet their needs…… … … … … … pause … 

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

As the school holidays begin we pray for families; and we pray for those in our community who are alone.  May the holiday season refresh them all– – – – -pause – 

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

Let us spend a few moments in silent prayer – – – –  longer pause – – – – – 

We ask Mary the mother of our Lord to join her prayers to ours saying,

            Hail Mary………….

Priest:     God of love, listen to our petitions and grant them through him who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Christ the King bidding prayers, 8 July 2018

CELEBRANT. Let us lift up our hearts and  minds to God in  prayer.

READER   The response is Lord graciously hear us

READER  That the spirit of God may enter the hearts of all who serve in the Church.

Lord  hear us, Lord  graciously Hear us

READER  For wisdom and discernment, to listen to the prophetic voices within the church ,regardless of gender, age , nationality or sexual orientation 

Lord  hear us, Lord  graciously Hear us

READER. For the gift of perseverance .

Lord  hear us, Lord  graciously Hear us

READER. Bless the work of the Bereavement Ministry in our Three Churches.

Lord  hear us, Lord  graciously Hear us

READER We ask Mary the mother of God to pray with us as we say Hail Mary…

READER. In faith we come to the Father ,in our weakness  and flawed humanity laying our prayers before him.

Lord  hear us, Lord  graciously Hear us

CELEBRANT. God our Father ,we present these prayers through Jesus Christ your Son Our Lord, Amen