Category Archives: bidding prayers

Christ the King bidding prayers, Sunday 24 June 2018

Nativity of St John the Baptist 2018

Note to Reader : Please PAUSE as directed and read the response through with the congregation

P.Today we celebrate the birth of St. John the Baptist and remind our selves of the task to which we, like John, are called. So therefore we bring our petitions to our Father knowing that He will support us in our efforts,

R, Our response is “Lord be our rock and stronghold”


  1. We pray for the Church at home and in all corners of the world that it may lead the way in telling God’s Word to the men and womenof His Kingdom and beyond

R……..“Lord be our rock and stronghold”


R.We pray for Deacon Peter Davies who is to be ordained priest next week and ask that the Holy Spirit  may stay close to him throughout his ministry

R……….”Lord be our rock and stronghold”


  1. Our world appears to be in crisis affecting many areas of life. We ask for guidance for all who lead

R……….Lord, be our rock and stronghold


  1. We recall the deceased of our 3 Churches bearing in mind the family of Brian Gowan whose funeral takes place  on Tuesday.

R……….Lord be our rock and stronghold


  1. in the quiet of our hearts let us listen to the voice of our beloved Father


  1. We ask Mary our mother to join us in prayer saying..HAIL MARY…etc
  2. Lord listen to our petitions and grant them through Jesus your Son who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit forever


Christ the King bidding prayers, 11th Sunday of the year (17 June 2018)

The Celebrant will introduce and also conclude the prayer. The reader should pause for several moments between the intercession and its response. Leave about 20 seconds for quiet prayer.There is no response after this – move straight to the Hail Mary.


CELEBRANT:Brothers and sisters, Pope Francis assures us that “intercessory prayer is an expression of our fraternal concern for others, since we are able to embrace their lives, their deepest troubles and their loftiest dreams”.  Let us ask the Lord to intercede for us.


READER:The response is: Hear our prayer.


READER: Let us ask the Lord for the grace not to hesitate when the Spirit calls us to take a step forward. Let us ask for the apostolic courage to share the Gospel with others and to stop trying to make our Christian life a museum of memories. In every situation, may the Holy Spirit cause us to contemplate history in the light of the risen Jesus. In this way, the Church will not stand still, but constantly welcome the Lord’s surprises. ……. (PAUSE)……In Your mercy Lord…..Hear our prayer.


READER: We pray forthe members of parliament as they debate our country’s future. May they always consider the needs of the poor and powerless..….. (PAUSE) ……In Your mercy Lord …Hear our prayer.


READER: Let us pray for those who lost their lives in the eruption in Guatemala May their families receive the comfort and aid they need to overcome this tragedy in their lives...… (PAUSE)……In Your mercy Lord … Hear our prayer.


READER: Let us pray for Faye Johnson and James Evans who are to be married here next Saturday, 23rdJune. May their love for each other remain steadfast and strong in good times and in bad……… (PAUSE)……In Your mercy Lord …Hear our prayer.


READER: We remember Brian Gowan of this parish who died recently. We pray that his family and friends will be consoled and that he will granted eternal restin the light of heaven……… (PAUSE)……In Your mercy Lord …Hear our prayer.

READER:Let us consider our needs and those of the our community ….. (Long Pause)…. Let us ask the intercession of our Lady: Hail Mary..

After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.


CELEBRANT: Lord, You have been with us throughout our lives and know our every need. Listen then to our prayers through Christ Jesus, amen.


Christ the King bidding prayers, 10 June 2018 (10th Sunday in Ordinary time)


Priest –  Having just celebrated the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which is a symbol of Jesus’ eternal and compassionate love for each of us, it is withconfidence that we make our petitions  to His and our Heavenly Father.


Reader – The response to our petitions is–Heavenly Father hear our prayer.


There is so much conflict in the world today affecting the lives of millions of ordinary people, –  we pray that the efforts to bring an end to conflict will meet with success……pause….

With the support of your Divine Son Jesus, we pray………….response………….


We pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life so that the Church may extend its influence and increase the number of faithful Christians………pause….With the support of your Divine Son Jesus, we pray……..response……….


We pray for the repose of the souls of those recently deceased, in particular Kenvin John Harrison, whose funeral is next Friday, and the many people who perished in the volcanic eruption in Guatemala, also for all who are bereaved or have lost everything………pause …….With the support of your Divine Son, Jesus, we pray ………….response



We pray for all who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way that they may feel the healing comfortof God and receive compassionate care…….pause…….With the support of your Divine Son Jesus, we pray……response……..


In a few moments of quiet let us pray to our Heavenly Father for our own needs…………..longer pause…….


Mary is the mother of Jesus and our mother whose Immaculate Heart is celebrated this weekend and we ask for her support in our prayers as we say……..Hail Mary


Priest – We make all our prayers to you our Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus your son and our brother…..Amen

Christ the King bidding prayers, 27 May 2018 (Trinity Sunday)

Note to Reader: Please PAUSE as directed between the Intention and the Response. Please read the response all the way through with the congregation especially where it is longer than usual

P.Today we celebrate the three aspects of Our Father’s character Father, Son and Holy Spirit remembering how they enrich all aspects of our lives. To enable us to live richer lives in the Lord we ask for His  assistance.


  1. Our response is” May Your love be upon us Lord”


  1. We pray for the Church in all its activities and ask the Lord’s blessing on all who work to spread the Gospel in a multitude ofways and languages

PAUSE ….May your love..etc


R Let us pray for all our young people as they prepare for important examinations.  We pray also that they may use the many new forms of communication now available to them wisely.


  1. Pause…..May your love…etc


  1. Let us pray for al the deceased of our community who have died recently remembering especially Ugo Carpanini,Kazyk Baldy and Sean Welch.We ask the Lord’s mercy for them and comfort and solace for their families and friends. At the same time we pray for those who lost their lives in the Grenfell Tower and Manchester Arena disastersaround a year ago

R    Pause…..May our love….etc


  1. We remember the plight of the homeless and starving in our affluent society May the Lord listen to their needs and support those those who work to help them.


R   Pause……May our love…etc



  1. In the quiet of our hearts let us listen to the voice of Our Father.


Longer Pause


  1. We ask Mary our Mother to pray with us saying …Hail Mary …etc


P Lord listen to our petitions and grant them through Jesus your beloved Son who lives in glory with you and the Holy Spirit forever.









Christ the King bidding prayers, 20 May 2018 (Pentecost Sunday)

PRIEST: My dear friends, after the weeks of Lent and Eastertide, we come with joy to celebrate the birthday of the Church, and to bring to our loving God our own needs and the needs of all the world.


Reader: The response is…renew us through your Holy Spirit.


We pray for the continuing conversion of the people of God.  May we become living

gospels in the world through the gifts freely given us by the Holy Spirit.

PAUSE       Merciful Father…


Let us pray that the many voices pleading for peace may lead to a change of heart

in those who promote wars, terror attacks and suffering in so many lands.

PAUSE       Merciful Father…




We pray for the people faced with natural disasters: drought, famine, flood and

earthquake; and for aid workers everywhere.

PAUSE       Merciful Father…




Let us pray for refugees, those displaced in their own country as well as those

forced to seek shelter elsewhere.

PAUSE       Merciful Father…



Let us pray for our children and young people, who recently received the gift of the

Holy Spirit in First Communion and Confirmation.  We pray for them and for their

families, that they may always be valued members of our parishes.

PAUSE             Merciful Father……


We pray for those who have died, that they may enjoy the happiness of God’s

Kingdom. We remember especially Joyce Jones, Mother of Rosemary Mathews

and Kazyk Baldy who have both died recently.

PAUSE       Merciful Father…


For a few moments, let us pray quietly in our own way… LONGER PAUSE (no response).


Mary, Mother of the Church, shared so much with her Son’s apostles.  Let us ask her to share our concerns, as we say…Hail Mary…



PRIEST: God of hope and mercy, we offer all these prayers through your Son, risen and ascended, and your Holy Spirit, who gives us life.  Amen.

Christ the King bidding prayers, 10 May 2018 (Feast of the Ascension)

The Celebrant will introduce and also conclude the prayer. The reader should pause for several moments between the intercession and its response. Leave about 20 seconds for quiet prayer.

There is no response after this – move straight to the Hail Mary.


CELEBRANT:Brothers and Sisters, how infinitely great is the power that Christ has exercised for us believers.Let us pray in the certainty that He will hear us:


READER:The response is : Lord, graciously hear us.


READER: Let us pray for the Church. May we be witnesses to the Risen Lord to the ends of the Earth, spreading the Good News.……. (PAUSE)……Risen Lord, hear us……Lord, graciously hear us.


READER: We pray for those given the gift of being pastors, teachers and leaders. May they use their gifts wisely to guide and inspire their people.….. (PAUSE) ……Risen Lord, hear us. …Lord, graciously hear us.


READER: Let us pray for those suffering from natural disasters such as volcanic eruption, earthquake, dust storms and torrential rain. May they find help and hope from those less unfortunate.  ..… (PAUSE)……Risen Lord, hear us. … Lord, graciously hear us.


READER: May we do all we can to preserve the unity of the Spirit by the peace that binds us together.

…….. (PAUSE)……Risen Lord, hear us. …Lord, graciously hear us.



READER:In a few moments of silence let us consider our needs and those of the parish ….. (Long Pause)…. Let us ask help of Mary who sits with Jesus in HeavenHail Mary, full of grace, etc.


After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.


CELEBRANT: Lord, You are our refuge and strength, we trust in You. Grant then our petitions,we ask, through the risen Christ Jesus, Amen.