Category Archives: bidding prayers

Christ the King bidding prayers, 6 May 2018 (6th Sunday of Easter)

Priest– Let us pray to our Heavenly Father asking him to look favourably on the needs of the Church, the world and ourselves.

Reader– The response to our prayers is – Hear our prayer.

We pray that the church’s message of  peace and love may be heard  and acted upon throughout the world  – pause – Heavenly Father……… Hear our prayer.

We pray that our government may always act in the best interests of the people, particularly at present in the Brexit negotiations – pause –

Heavenly Father………..Hear our prayer.

We pray for the repose of the souls of all who have died recently particularly Nick Chitsega and John Cook whose funerals take place shortly and for the comfort of their bereaved relatives and friends – pause – Heavenly Father………

Hear our prayer

We pray for all who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way that they may feel your healing comfort and receive compassionate care – pause – Heavenly Father…………Hear our prayer.

In a few moments of silence let us place our own needs before our Heavenly Father……….

Mary is our Mother, let us ask her to plead for us to Jesus, her beloved son, as we say…..Hail Mary…

Priest–We humbly make our prayers through Jesus your Word and our Saviour ….Amen

Christ the King bidding prayers, 4th Sunday of Lent (6 March 2016)

Note to Reader: Please PAUSE as directed between the Intention and the Response. Please read the response all the way through with the congregation especially where it is longer than usual

Priest:  As we listen to the story of the prodigal son in today’s readings we are reminded of the Father’s endless love for us constantly calling us back to Him

R. Our response  is “Lord , your mercy is our hope”

R. We ask the Lord to bless and support His Church throughout the world bearing in mind especially the plight of Christians in the Middle East


R. We pray

Lord your mercy is our hope

R. Through the news bulletins we are constantly aware of the plight of the refugees and migrants. Let us pray for these stricken people and their families as they seek a new and safer life


R We pray

Lord your mercy is our hope

R. We are mindful of our brothers and sisters who are sick in mind or body and pray for them and their families and all who care for them


R. We pray

Lord your mercy is our hope

R. Let us pray for all in our parish families who mourn. May the Lord find wys and people to comfort them in their time of loss


R. We pray

Lord your mercy is our hope

R. As we try to understand he many arguments about the future of our country either in or out of the European community we ask the Lord to guide us to produce a fair and  humane society based on Christian principles


R. We pray

Lord your mercy is our hope

R. In the silence of our hearts let us listen to the voice of Our Father


R. We ask Mary the mother of Our Lord to join us in prayer saying HAIL MARY….etc.

Priest: Lord Merciful Father listen to our petitions and grant them through Jesus your Son who lives with you and the Holy Spirit forever









Christ the King bidding prayers, 3rd Sunday in Lent (25 Feb 2016)

Priest  We pray that our journey through Lent will make us more aware of our needs

The response is   The Lord is compassion and love

We pray for the Church that it will be slow to anger and rich in mercy in order to overcome evil with good    PAUSE

The Lord …….is compassion and love

As the peace candle sheds its light in a number  of homes we pray for peace and peacemakers, for those who suffer and those who care for them

PAUSE      The Lord …….is compassion and love

We pray for the people of Wales as we celebrate St David’s Day.  May they remember their Christian heritage.         PAUSE

The Lord …….is compassion and love

Lent is a time when we ask forgiveness and honestly admit our sins.  We remember the messages of Jesus, messages of  love, justice and mercy

PAUSE     The Lord……….is compassion and love

We pray for women and men who work together for their families and the wider community        PAUSE      The Lord …… compassion and love

We pray quietly for our own needs           LONGER PAUSE

We ask Mary to be our refuge as we say      Hail Mary ………….

Heavenly Father we make our prayers with trust and hope.  We ask this through Jesus your Son and the Holy Spirit for ever Amen

Christ the King bidding prayers, 2nd Sunday of Lent (18 February 2016)

P       We come together as a community to ask God our Father for our needs and for the needs of others

Reader: The response is;

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer

We pray that we be inspired to find new ways to support our Parish Priests and our parish activities, particularly in this Lenten Season… … … … … … pause …

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

We pray for all those who courageously work for peace, and we think especially this week of those trying to achieve an end to hostilities in Syria.  And we pray for all those affected by the conflict … … … … … … pause …

Lord, in your mercy

We pray for children and young people everywhere, especially those who are in care, and young homeless people; and we pray for social workers and others trying to meet their needs. .. … … … … … … pause …

Lord, in your mercy

We pray for those who mourn, especially those in our own parish who have lost loved ones.  May they be comforted by a belief in a loving God, and supported in their lives by the community. .. … … … … … … pause …

Lord, in your mercy

And balancing sadness with joy, help us all to appreciate the great gift of life with the coming of a new spring. .. … … … … … … pause …

Lord, in your mercy

Let us spend a few moments in silent prayer – – – –  longer pause – – – – –

We ask Mary the mother of our Lord to join her prayers to ours saying,

Hail Mary………….

Priest:   God of love, listen to our petitions and grant them through him who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit.    Amen.

Christ the King bidding prayers, 24 January 2016

The Celebrant will introduce and also conclude the prayer. The reader should pause for several moments between the intercession and its response. Leave about 20 seconds for the quiet prayer. There is no response after this – move straight to the Hail Mary.

CELEBRANT: Sisters and brothers, we are gathered as Christ’s body knowing that He is here with us. Let us share with Him our needs

READER: (The response is): Hear our prayer.

READER:  Let us pray for the church. May we show mercy to others, remembering that we are sinners as well as saints. We also pray for the unity of all Christians.

…….. (PAUSE)……….. In Your mercy, Lord ……. Hear our prayer.

READER:  We pray for the leaders gathered in Davos at the World Economic Forum. May they set pathways to a more just distribution of the world’s wealth.

…. (PAUSE)…… In Your mercy, Lord  …. Hear our prayer.

READER: Let us pray for racial justice within our parish, our city and our country. May we face the prejudice in our hearts that prevents us from being one body.

….(PAUSE)…… In Your mercy, Lord …. Hear our prayer.

READER: We pray for Megan Bowgen, who died recently. May she enjoy eternal rest and may her family be comforted that she is at peace

…… (PAUSE)…… In Your mercy, Lord ……. Hear our prayer.

READER: Let us remember the sick, the suffering and the lonely in our parish and ask for the grace to help them.

…… (PAUSE)…… In Your mercy, Lord ……. Hear our prayer.

READER: Let us silently ask for our personal needs or the needs of others (Long Pause)…. Let us ask the intercession of Mary, mother of the Lord: Hail Mary, etc. 

After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.

CELEBRANT:  May our spoken words win favour in your sight, O Lord, and our needs be granted through Your Son, Jesus Christ, in union with the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.

Christ the King bidding prayers, 20 December 2015 (Fourth Sunday of Advent)


Priest  As our journey towards Christmas grows shorter let us bring our needs to the Lord

The response is …….let us grow in faith and love

We pray for the Church that it will become a beacon of light to guide us as we travel on our journey through life.      (PAUSE)

Lord………let us grow in faith and love

We pray for all those involved in the debates about climate change.  Pope Francis has asked us to protect the world by being prepared to make changes in the way we live     (PAUSE)

Lord………let us grow in faith and love

We pray for all expectant mothers, for those who have miscarried their babies and for those who find it difficult to conceive.  We pray that our mother Mary and her cousin Elizabeth will show us how to always have faith in God’s promises.       (PAUSE)

Lord ………let us grow in faith and love

We pray for our three churches in a time of change.  May we all listen and pay heed  to one another as we move forward into a new time of working together.              (PAUSE)

Lord………let us grow in faith and love

We pray for Vera Strand a long time parishioner who has died, for her son John and the family.  May they be comforted in their loss.  (PAUSE)

Lord ………let us grow in faith and love

We pray quietly for our own needs      (LONGER PAUSE)

We ask Mary to be with us in our daily life as we say Hail Mary……..

Priest    Heavenly Father hear our prayers.  We ask them through your son Jesus and the Holy Spirit for ever Amen