Category Archives: bidding prayers

Christ the King bidding prayers, Palm Sunday 29 March 2015

PRIEST – As we start Holy Week leading up to the remembrance of our redemption by the Passion and Death of Our Saviour  we gather in prayer to our Heavenly Father and ask Him to hear and grant our petitions

Reader – The response to our prayers is – “ Hear our prayer “

We pray that the call of our Holy Father Francis for peace and mercy in the world may be heard by those intent on waging war and violence on their fellow human beings and bring an end to destruction and misery….pause

Heavenly Father in your mercy……….

We pray that those who work to relieve suffering and hardship may be strengthened in their efforts and that the wealthier nations of the world may ensure that they have the necessary support…..pause

Heavenly Father in your mercy…………..

We recall how Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem by large crowds and pray that our efforts to evangelise in this area will lead to people welcoming Jesus into their lives, but without the subsequent rejection which Jesus experienced so soon after his triumphant entry to Jerusalem……..pause

Heavenly Father, in your mercy………..

We pray for  eternal rest for the souls of those who have recently died, in particular Gareth Clarke, grandson of Dilys Scanlan and Keith Allen and for the comfort of their bereaved families and friends………..pause

Heavenly Father, in your mercy………

Let us pray for all who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way that they may experience healing comfort and compassionate care…………pause

Heavenly Father, in your mercy……….

In a few moments of silence we pray for our own needs…….longer pause

We ask the support of our Blessed Mother, Mary, as we say….Hail Mary

PRIEST – We makes all our prayers through Jesus, our Saviour…..Amen




Christ the King bidding prayers, 15 March 2015 (Laetare Sunday)

CELEBRANT  God loves us with so much love and is generous in His mercy therefore we turn to Him with confidence as we present our prayers.

READER The response is Hear our prayer

READER For young people to see the Church as gift – a holy people who reach beyond themselves to experience God and to work for the good of the world.

RESPONSE Lord in your mercy/Hear our prayer.

READER For all people who take on the responsibility of the Mothering role.

RESPONSE Lord in your mercy/Hear our prayer

READER That we remember, especially in difficult moments, that we are all “God’s work of art”.

RESPONSE Lord in your mercy/Hear our prayer

READER Give us grace to discern You and courage to proclaim You.

RESPONSE Lord in your mercy/Hear our prayer

READER For people who are suffering in may they experience God.

RESPONSE Lord in your mercy/Hear our prayer

READER  As we stand here, let us think of the hidden, secret parts of our lives where we need God’s love to touch us, and God’s grace to flow into us, raising us from darkness into light.

READER On this mothering Sunday we ask Mary the mother of Jesus to pray with us as we say Hail Mary……

CELEBRANT  God our Father, if it be your will, we ask you to answer these prayers through your son Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

Christ the King bidding prayers, Holy Thursday, 2 April 2015

Bidding Prayers for the Mass of the Last Supper

Priest: In this Holy Week we turn to God our Father and ask that our lives may be transformed by Jesus’ sacrificial love.

Reader          The response is;

Lord, transform our lives.

We pray for the Clergy, as they follow the example of the servant king, and lead us on our journey of faith———————- pause ——

Lord, transform our lives.

In this Holy week we pray for the Holy Land where these events took place, and for the peoples who live in that land today. ——————- pause ——

Lord, transform our lives.

We pray for those who are suffering physical or emotional pain at this time, for penitents, for wanderers and for all who seek meaning in their lives ——————- pause ——

Lord, transform our lives.

Jesus gave us a model to follow.  He washed the disciple’s feet.  May we learn to follow his example of service and love to our brothers and sisters ——————- pause ——

Lord, transform our lives.

In silence let us listen to God our Father for a few moments.

Let us ask Mary, the mother of our Lord to join her prayers to ours saying,

Hail Mary………….

Priest: Loving Father may we walk in your ways and follow your example. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord who became the servant of all.

Christ the King bidding prayers, 19 April 2015

Third Sunday of Easter 19th April 2015

The Celebrant will introduce and also conclude the prayer.

The reader should pause for several moments between the intercession and its response.

Leave about 20 seconds for the quiet prayer. There is no response after this – move straight to the Hail Mary.


CELEBRANT: The Lord hears us when we call him, so let us join together in prayer for our needs.

READER: (The response is:) Have mercy and hear us.

READER:  Let us pray for the church, that it may find ways to recognise the important role that woman have in the church and reflect that in its structure and governance.

…….. (PAUSE)……….. God of justice……. Have mercy and hear us

READER: We pray for our candidates in the forthcoming general election. May they embrace the social teaching of the church and pledge to work for the Common Good.

…… (PAUSE)…… God of justice……. Have mercy and hear us

READER:  We remember the people of Libya who have to endure dangerous and difficult conditions, with many losing their lives in attempting to reach security in Europe. With God’s grace may we find ways to help them.

…. (PAUSE)…… God of justice.…. Have mercy and hear us

READER: May we stop doubting, believe in the Good News and share it with others.

(PAUSE)…… God of justice.…. Have mercy and hear us

READER: Let us pray for those who have died recently, especially Edmund Ring, Pat Roberts and Thomas Richards. May they rest in peace and may perpetual time shine upon them.

(PAUSE)…… God of justice.…. Have mercy and hear us

READER: In silent prayer before the Lord let us ask for all our needs.…. (Long Pause)…. Let us ask the intercession of the mother of the risen Lord: Hail Mary, full of grace, etc.

After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.

CELEBRANT: Lord God, we ask these petitions of You. In Your abundant goodness grant them through the risen Jesus, Your Son, in union with the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, AMEN.

Christ the King bidding prayers, 11 January 2015

Baptism of the Lord 2015

P. The Father has called us as His chosen people and enables us by His constant gifts. Let us ask again for the special graces which we need at this time

R Our response is “Lord may we listen to your law”

R.we pray for the Universal Church that it may be given the wisdom to embrace the changes which Pope Francis seeks to introduce


R.We pray……… Lord may we listen to your Law

R.Together with the rest of the world we look with horror on the Parisian killings and pray for the victims and their families and friends. Let us pray also that we may always seek to preserve the precious gift of free speech


R. we pray…….Lord may we listen to your law

R.We pray for families everywhere remembering the anguish of parents parted forever from children and loved ones due to war illness and famine. We ask also for the gift of peace in our own families and for the grace to preserve it


R.We pray…..Lord may we listen to your law

R.Let us pray for all the deceased of our community remembering especially Graham Perryman who has died recently. May the Lord welcome them all into Paradise and grant their grieving families the comfort of His love.


R. We pray…Lord may we listen to your law

R. We remember the worried, the sick and the lonely in our parish family and ask the Lord to comfort each one of them and their families, carers and medical support teams


R. We pray………Lord may we listen to your law

R. In the silence of our hearts let us listen to the voice of our beloved Father

Longer pause

R.We ask Mary our mother to join her prayer to ours saying Hail Mary


P. Lord we ask you to hear and grant our petitions

Through  Jesus your beloved Son


Christ the King bidding prayers, 4 January 2015 (Epiphany)

Priest: Brothers and Sisters as we pray for our needs, let us remember those of the Church and the wider world.

Reader: The response is…. Lord, Show us how to be gift.

We pray for Pope Francis who is revealing a new Spirit of mercy in the Church. (Pause)

Lord, Show us how to be gift.

We pray for all who are working to alleviate suffering in the world…In particular, we remember those striving to combat Ebola in West Africa; and those who have given time freely at Christmas to be alongside others less fortunate than themselves. (Pause)

Lord, Show us how to be gift.

We pray for Sara and Alexandra Siwiak, Erin Mary Farell Williams and Ray Joseph Hennessy who are being baptised here this weekend. May the lives of their parents, godparents and all of us here, be examples of faith to inspire them.

Lord, Show us how to be gift.

At Epiphany remembering the Kings, we pray for those who bring gifts of leadership and authority that they may use them wisely. (Pause)

Lord, Show us how to be gift.

At Epiphany, we pray that the gifts we bring to each other show the presence of Jesus in our lives. (Pause)

Lord, Show us how to be gift.

In a quiet moment, we make our own prayers (Longer pause)

Mary showed forth Jesus to the Magi and so we say……Hail Mary

Priest: Father God, we make our prayers to you trusting in your Son and with the Holy Spirit for ever. Amen.