Category Archives: bidding prayers

Christ the King bidding prayers, 16 November 2014

Bidding prayers (Christ the King) for the 33rd Sunday of the year 2014.

P. Recalling our Father’s promises to listen when we ask we offer our petitions with confidence in His love and generosity

R. Our response is “Lord, let my prayer come before you”

R. Listening to the horrors of daily life for Christians in the Middle East we pray for all who suffer for their faith on a daily basis


R.    We pray

Lord let my prayer come before You

R. Let us pray for peace in the world, in our country and in our families where peace must begin


R. We pray

Lord let my prayer come before You

R.As the financial leaders of the world assemble in Brisbane for another G20 summit we pray they may hear and respond to the voices of the poor, the hungry and neglected across the world and remember the need of all developed nations to care for the dispossessed


R. We pray

Lord let my prayer come before You

R.Let us pray for all who have died and gone to glory in the Lord remembering particularly Ann Botwood of our community who died this week. May she now know the comfort of the Lord. We remember also Ann’s Family and friends in their time of sorrow


R. We pray

Lord let my prayer come before you

R.Let us pray now for our own community thinking especially about the sick, the lonely, the unemployed, the worried and the bereaved  and ask the Lord to comfort them in His own way


R. We pray

Lord, let my prayer come before you

R. In the quiet of our hearts let us listen to the voice of our beloved Father


R. Mary our mother is always anxious for us. Let us ask her to pray with us now saying HAIL MARY etc.

P. Heavenly Father hear and grant our petitions through Jesus you beloved Son


Christ the King bidding prayers, 2 November 2014

PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL – Feast of All the Saints – Year A,  2 November 2014

CELEBRANT: O Lord, prompted by faith, we come to you with our petitions, trusting in your unfailing love.


READER: The response is: Hear our prayer.

READER: Let us pray for Pope Francis and the whole church as we endeavour to bring about better understanding of the disagreements within the church and work to resolve the conflicts which are ongoing throughout the world.           

                           …….. (PAUSE)……….. Lord in your grace..…. Hear our prayer.

READER: Let us pray for all those who are orphaned, homeless or hungry and also those who, in desperation, take a hazardous journey in the hope of finding a better life elsewhere

                                 ………(PAUSE)….Lord in your grace …..Hear our prayer.

READER: Heavenly Father we ask you to bless and refresh our parish family and in particular, to please bless Harry John Alexander and  Sienna Dany Hancock and Amelie Marielle Elizabeth Hancock whom we welcome into the sacrament of baptism this week-end.   We also ask for a blessing on their parents and god-parents as they assist them on their journey of faith.

                                  …… (PAUSE)…… Lord in your grace..…. Hear our prayer.

READER:  Let us pray for the soul of  Jim Marshall, father of Mary Campbell, who died last week.  Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord and let perpetual rest shine upon him.

                                       ……(PAUSE)…..Lord in your grace….Hear our prayer.

READER:  On this feast of All Souls, let us bring to mind all those who have departed in faith.   Let us pray for those we have known and loved, and remember all those we never knew, nor those who have died alone without love or support.   May they all be brought to the glory of Christ Jesus’ resurrection.

                             …….. (PAUSE)….. Lord in your grace…..Hear our prayer.

READER:  Let us pause for a few moments and open our hearts to our Father in Heaven ……. (Longer PAUSE)

READER:  Let us now join with Mary, Mother of our risen Lord as we say ….

                                                                                  Hail Mary, full of grace, etc.


CELEBRANT:   Dear Father in Heaven, we approach the coming days in the sure faith that you will guide and protect us.   Through the merits of Jesus Christ, Our Lord.       Amen.

Christ the King bidding prayers, 26 October 2014

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th October 2014

The Celebrant will introduce and also conclude the prayer.

The reader should pause for several moments between the intercession and its response.

Leave about 20 seconds for the quiet prayer. There is no response after this – move straight to the Hail Mary.

CELEBRANT: Brothers and sisters, as a community in prayer let us bring to the Lord our needs.

READER: The response is: Hear our prayer.

READER: We pray for the members of the recent Synod on family life the grace of discernment so that when they meet again next year God’s path for the church will be clearer.

…….. (PAUSE)……….. Lord, in Your mercy……. Hear our prayer.

READER: For our politicians. Grant them the wisdom to plan for a future where everyone is cherished, rather than one where people are divided.

…… (PAUSE)…… Lord, in Your mercy……. Hear our prayer.

READER: May we learn by the inspiration of the Welsh martyrs what it means to love the Lord with all your heart.

…. (PAUSE)…… Lord, in Your mercy.…. Hear our prayer.

READER: We pray for Theo Ray Christopher Evans who is to be baptised on Sunday (or today, or “has been baptised” for 10.30 mass). We welcome him as a new member of our church and pray for his parents, godparents and grandparents, who will help him grow into his faith.

(PAUSE)…… Lord, in Your mercy.…. Hear our prayer.

READER: We pray for those people whose countries are overwhelmed with the Ebola virus and especially for those who care for the sick and dying, who show us what it means to love your neighbour.

(PAUSE)…… Lord, in Your mercy.…. Hear our prayer.

READER:  Let us quietly bring to mind any of our own prayers.  .…. (Long Pause)…. Let us ask the intercession of Mary, mother of mercy: Hail Mary, full of grace, etc.

After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.

CELEBRANT: Lord God, our mighty help, hear and grant these prayers we offer to You, through Jesus Christ, Your Son, in unity with the Holy Spirit, now and forever, AMEN.

Christ the King bidding prayers, 19 October 2014

Bidding Prayers for the 29th Sunday of the Year

We come together as a community to put our petitions before the Lord.

Reader; The response is;

Hear our prayer

Tomorrow / today is Mission Sunday. Let us bring to mind all those, who today and throughout the ages, have ministered to others at home and abroad.  May their example help us to follow your teaching and to serve one another …..……… pause ………

Lord, in your mercy  hear our prayer

We pray for the people affected by the conflict in Iraq and Syria.  May the leaders of our world persevere in seeking solutions to alleviate their suffering.

…..……… pause ………

Lord, in your mercy  hear our prayer

We pray for the members of our own community here in Cardiff, and we think especially of those who do not enjoy good health and those whose independence is diminishing.   May they know the warmth of companionship, and experience your abiding love and reassurance.

…..……… pause ………

Lord, in your mercy  hear our prayer

We pray for ourselves that we may find the time to experience your peace and serenity.  …..……… pause ………

Lord, in your mercy  hear our prayer

Let us spend a few moments in silent prayer. ….. …………long pause ……

We ask Mary the mother of our Lord, to join her prayers to ours saying;

Hail Mary………….

P. We ask God the Father to hear and grant our petitions through him who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Christ the King bidding prayers, 12 October 2014


Priest: In faith and hope we turn to our Father with all our needs.

Reader: The response to our prayers is: Hear our prayer

We thank You that the Synod on the Family seems to be proceeding with great openness and sensitivity to the problems faced by Catholic families today, and we pray that, as group discussions begin, there will be a genuine exploration of possible and meaningful solutions.


Lord, our hope and salvation: Hear our prayer

Every day Jesus invites us to walk with Him; may we not feel that our lives are too busy and complex for us to be bothered to respond.


Lord, our hope and salvation: Hear our prayer

We pray that a vaccine and treatment for the Ebola virus may quickly be found, and produced in sufficient quantities to relieve the present suffering, and prevent further spread. We pray for the families of the victims, especially the orphaned children, that they may find the courage and support to rebuild their lives


            Lord, our hope and salvation: Hear our prayer

As the struggle to control Kobani intensifies, we pray for all those who fear they may be massacred


Lord, our hope and salvation: Hear our prayer

This week the search for the missing Malaysian airliner resumed; we pray that it will be successful, so that the grieving families and friends find some comfort and peace from finally knowing what happened to their loved ones.


Lord, our hope and salvation: Hear our prayer

In the silence of our hearts we pray for all our other needs.


We ask Mary, our mother, to join our prayers to her own, as we say: Hail Mary…….

Priest: Heavenly Father, look with mercy on our broken world, and hear our prayers for its healing. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Christ the King bidding prayers, 28 September 2014

PRAYER of the FAITHFUL 26th Sunday of the Year 2014

Note to Reader : Please PAUSE as directed and read the response through with the congregation

P. In today’s readings the Lord reminds us again that we must continue to have faith in His great love for us and so we place our petitions before Him

R Our response is: “Father in your love remember us”

R. Let us pray for God’s people throughout the world remembering especially those who live a life of fear and persecution simply because they dare to believe in Him.


R. We pray

Father, in Your love remember us

R. In our own parish we give thanks for the love and dedication of all those who have lead our Children’s Liturgy Programme over an amazing 30 year period. We pray for all our present and past leaders and helpers who have given their time so generously. May they and the children whom they are guiding now enjoy the special gifts of the Lord


R.                           We pray

Father, in Your love remember us

R. At this worrying time we pray for peace in the world thinking particularly about the huge problems in the Middle East. May those who even now, work for peace against the odds, be supported and guided by the Holy Spirit


R.                          We pray

Father, in Your love remember us

R. Let us ask the Lord for the peaceful repose of all the deceased of our parish remembering specially Alex Meldrum whose funeral takes place next Tuesday. In addition we ask comfort for all those whom mourn in particular Alex’s family and friends


R We pray

Father, in Your love remember us

R. Let us call to mind the lonely, the depressed and the sick of our community and ask the Spirit’s support for them and for those who care for them


R.                           We pray

Father, in Your love remember us

R We ask Mary our mother to help us to place our needs before the Lord saying……     HAIL MARY   etc

P. Eternal Father, we ask you to hear and grant our petitions through Jesus your beloved Son