Category Archives: bidding prayers

Christ the King bidding prayers, Feast of the assumption 2014

Priest: Mary’s Assumption into heaven is a sign of our final destiny. As we face the struggles of our pilgrim way, we ask our heavenly Father to ease the path.

Reader: The response to our prayers is: Hear our prayer

However dark the shadows and however incomprehensible some events seem, may we keep alive the certain hope that death and evil will never have the last word.


Through your love for Mary, our mother: Hear our prayer

May the presence of Christ in our lives be for us, as for Mary, an impetus to help others.


Through your love for Mary, our mother: Hear our prayer

When Mary said ‘Yes’ to your invitation to be the mother of your Son, she opened the way for our salvation; continue your saving work  through healing our troubled world.


           Through your love for Mary, our mother: Hear our prayer

Look with compassion on the thousands of people fleeing persecution; may they, like Mary and her family, find a safe haven.


Through your love for Mary, our mother: Hear our prayer

We pray for the people of West Africa, being ravaged by the Ebola virus; comfort those who are suffering from the virus, and those who have lost love ones. May they also trust what they are being taught about the best ways to prevent the virus from spreading.


Through your love for Mary, our mother: Hear our prayer

In the silence of our hearts we pray for all our other needs.


We ask Mary, Queen of Heaven, to gather us into her care, and to present our petitions to the Father, as we say: Hail Mary…….

Priest: Heavenly Father, you made Mary the mother of your Son, and mother of the Church; hear the prayers she presents on our behalf, and grant us relief. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen

Christ the King bidding prayers, 13 July 2014

CELEBRANT: Those who hear the Word are promised a rich harvest, so it is with confidence that we approach the Lord in prayer.

READER:The response is: Lord, graciously hear us.

READER: We pray for all the baptised, called to be priest, prophet and king. May the seeds of the Spirit grow in our hearts so that by the Word we may bring many more to love the Lord.

…….. (PAUSE)……….. Lord, hear us……. Lord, graciously hear us.

READER: May the leaders of Israel and Palestine agree to suspend all fighting and with great patience work for a peaceful settlement that provides justice.

…… (PAUSE)…… Lord, hear us……. Lord, graciously hear us.

READER: For a good harvest for farmers in countries which suffer from drought, floods and impoverished soil. 

 …. (PAUSE)…… Lord, hear us.…. Lord, graciously hear us.

READER: Let us pray for those trapped in their own vale of tears, who can see no hope or way forward. May they find a seed of Christ in their hearts to comfort them in their hour of need.    

 (PAUSE)…… Lord, hear us.…. Lord, graciously hear us.

READER: For those who have died recently. We remember John Austin, father of Kate Congdon, may he rest in peace, and ask for comfort for the Congdon and Austin families.

 PAUSE)…… Lord, hear us.…. Lord, graciously hear us.

READER:  Let us offer up the needs of our hearts .…. (Long Pause)…. Let us ask the intercession of Mary, Mother of God: Hail Mary, full of grace, etc.

 After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.

CELEBRANT: O God, Sower of the seed, hear these prayers and may your Word in us yield a fruitful harvest. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Christ the King, bidding prayers, 6 July 2014

PRAYER of the FAITHFUL – 14th Sunday of the Year 2014

Note to Reader: Please pause as directed between the Intention and the Response. Please read the response all the way through with the congregation especially where it is longer than usual.

P. Today’s readings assure us again of the Father’s care and compassion for us. Therefore, with total trust we place our petitions before Him

R. Our response today is:

      “Father, bring us the joy that never ends”

R. Let us pray for the Universal Church and especially for our family of Three Churches as we celebrate a Joint Mass together tomorrow. May it bring many blessings on our parishes and on our efforts to walk in the light of the Lord


 R.  We pray

Father bring us the joy that never ends

R. At the Three Churches Mass tomorrow Sebastian, son of Max and Ceri Davies will join our Christian family in the Sacrament of Baptism. We pray now for him, his parents and godparents, who will be his first teachers, as he starts his pilgrim journey


R     We pray

Father, bring us the joy that never ends

R. Let us pray for peace in the Middle East and remember especially the parents of the young Cardiff men who have been drawn into the war. May the young men be kept safe and return to their families at some time


R. We pray

Father, bring us the joy that never ends

R. Let us give thanks to the Lord for our two excellent schools and ask for guidance for those who must select headteachers for both schools over the coming months


R. We pray

Father bring us the joy that never ends

R. We pray now for the sick, the lonely, the bereaved, the depressed and the worried of our community and ask the Lord to comfort and console them in their time of need


R. We pray

Father, bring us the joy that never ends

R. In the quiet of our hearts let us listen to the voice of the Father


R. We ask Mary our mother to help us to pray saying HAIL MARY…etc.

P. Loving Father hear and grant our petitions through Jesus your beloved Son


Christ the King bidding prayers, 29 June 2014


PRIEST – Heavenly Father we place before you our petitions for the needs of the church and of the world with confidence in your love and mercy

READER – the response to our prayers is – Hear our prayer

As we celebrate the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, we pray for our Holy Father, Francis, and all church leaders that, guided by the Holy Spirit, they may continually speak out against the inequality and injustice which is so widespread in our world today …………pause

Heavenly Father, in your loving mercy……….

Mankind is incapable alone of finding a way to end hostilities and enmity between peoples, we pray that the Holy Spirit will guide those in positions of power and authority to work towards achieving this goal…………..pause

Heavenly Father, in your loving mercy………….

We pray for eternal rest for the souls of all who have died, both those who are known to us and those who have died through war violence or disaster ……………..pause

Heavenly Father, in your loving mercy…………

We pray for all who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way and all who are suffering loneliness as a result of being house bound that they may have healing, comfort and compassionate care………….pause

Heavenly Father, in your loving mercy………..

We pray that our 3 churches may be successful in reaching out to the wider community by the efforts and example of individual parishioners and by initiatives like the Phone Link service……………pause

Heavenly Father, in your loving mercy………..

We pray for all who are seeking the consolation of the love of God that they find it…………pause

Heavenly Father, in your loving mercy…….

In a few moments of silence we bring our own petitions before our Heavenly Father………..

We ask Mary, our Mother, to join her prayers to ours as we say….Hail Mary………..

PRIEST – Heavenly Father, we make all our prayers through your Son, Jesus Christ….. Amen

Christ the King bidding prayers, 18 May 2014

Prayer of the Faithful – 5th Sunday of Easter  May 17/18

Priest  We lay our prayers before the Lord as we ask for hope and strength  to follow in His Way.

The response is ……..fill the earth with your love

We pray for wisdom for those in the Church in positions of authority.  May they exercise their powers with justice and right.   (Pause)

Lord…………fill the earth with your love.

St Peter told us that we are a chosen people.  So we pray that men and women will be found to spread the word and to build up the church.


Lord ………..fill the earth with your love

We pray for the children making their first communion this weekend and for their parents who are their first teachers    (Pause)

Lord…………fill the earth with your love

Like Thomas we do not always know the way.  We ask to be guided along the path of truth and life.      (Pause)

Lord ……….fill the earth with your love.

In a quiet moment we ask the Lord to hear our unspoken needs

( Longer pause)

Let us remember in this month of May that all generations call Mary blessed as we say

Hail Mary ………….

Priest    Father God we make our prayers to you trusting in your Son and with the Holy Spirit for ever Amen

Christ the King bidding prayers, 1 June 2014

PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL – Solemnity of The Ascension of the Lord – Year A

CELEBRANT: O God,we come before you upon this anniversary of the Ascension of our Saviour to offer our petitions, confident that you will hear our prayers                   ……………………………..

READER: The response is:     Hear our prayer.

READER: Let us pray for the work Pope Francis is doing in the cause of world-wide peace so that all may share in your bounty………

(PAUSE)……………In your mercy Lord……..Hear our prayer.

READER: Let us pray for the church throughout the world as we pray and work in the cause of peace in our own parishes and families wherever we live.

(PAUSE)……………. In your mercy Lord……..Hear our prayer.

READER:  Let us ask our loving Father to watch over the young people of St. Brigid’s and Paul’s  and Christ the King as they celebrate their confirmation.   May they gather wisdom from above as they grow in faith, knowing that the Holy Spirit is always with them as they tread their paths of life.

(PAUSE)……………..In your mercy Lord,……..Hear our prayer.

READER:   Let us remember in our prayers Patrick Michael James Wood and Logan John Ollin and their parents and god-parents, as they are presented for baptism this week-end. (PAUSE)……In your mercy Lord, …….Hear our prayer.

READER: Let us pray for the sick and suffering, from whatever cause, so that they may find respite and peace.

(PAUSE)……….…In your mercy Lord…….Hear our prayer.


READER:  Let us pray for Roderick Forest, husband of Anna whose funeral takes place on Friday, 6th June.  And, also, let us pray for all our loved ones who have departed.   May they rest in Your peace which passeth all understanding.

(PAUSE)……….….In your mercy Lord…….Hear our prayer.

READER:  For a few moments, let us open our hearts to the Lord             ….(Long Pause)….

Let us join with the mother of our church as we say:      Hail Mary…………..


After a short pause the Celebrant will conclude the prayer.

CELEBRANT: Heavenly Father, we praise You and give You thanks for Your ever-present mercy and care.   In the name of your son, our Saviour,  Jesus Christ, Our Lord.                           Amen.