Category Archives: bidding prayers

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2020

PRIEST: Aware of God’s presence with us, we turn to him in prayer for our own needs and the needs of others.

 READER: We pray for the Church, that all her members may bear witness to the saving power of God.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

 READER: For all in government, that especially in these difficult times, they may protect the least among us, the most vulnerable and those who are marginalised.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

READER: We pray for outcasts, foreigners and refugees, that they will always find a welcome in our midst.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

READER: We pray for all who are sick or who suffer in any way, that they will be comforted.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

READER: We remember those who have died and gone before us in faith. May they experience in all its fullness the power of Christ’s resurrection.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

PRIEST: Merciful Father, hear the prayers we bring to you. Help us to acknowledge your greatness and to serve you with grateful hearts. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (year A), 2020

Prayers of The Faithful,  24th Sunday Year A , September 13th 2020

CELEBRANT: Friends, Jesus calls us to forgive as we ourselves are forgiven. Knowing this, we pray for a renewed world of mercy and compassion.

READER: That we develop mature, workable relationships and structures within the Church, so that we may confront and change that which is not fruitful.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: For those excluded from the church, may we reach out to them with genuine compassion and respect.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: That world leaders may set aside image, pride and threats and work for the good of the human family.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: We pray for all the carers in our three churches who often feel worn out, overburdened and alone.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: We pray for all parishioners who are unable or unwilling to be with us physically at this time.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: In silence we open our hearts and minds which reveal our deepest hurts and longings to our compassionate God

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: We ask Mary the mother of God to pray with us as we say Hail Mary….

CELEBRANT: Kind and merciful Father, slows anger and rich in compassion, grant our petitions through Christ our Lord your Son , Amen.


Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 23rd Sunday of the Year (A), 2020

Priest: Although we gather in fewer numbers, we know the Lord is with us and will listen to our prayers….

Reader: Let us pray for the Church, that we may all bring God’s message of love to every situation and individual we encounter…..

Lord, hear us……….. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for leaders in every sphere of life, that they may use dialogue and reconciliation in their dealings, rather than confrontation and violence…..

Lord, hear us……….. Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us pray for all those affected badly by the Covid 19 virus, directly or indirectly. We pray too for a vaccine that will soon be effective and available all over the world….

Lord, hear us……….. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for organisations and individuals in this country and elsewhere, who work quietly and bravely to help the poor, the homeless and victims of famine and war….

Lord, hear us……….. Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us pray in our own way for a few quiet moments……….

We come to Mary, mother of us all, for her help in all our needs…….Hail Mary….

Priest: Heavenly Father, we put all our trust in you, with your Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2020

CELEBRANT:  Strengthened in faith, we come before the Lord with our needs and the needs of our sisters and brothers:   

READER: We pray for Pope Francis, Archbishop Stack, and all our clergy: that they may lead in faith and serve in love the flock entrusted to their care.

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

We continue to pray for the victims and families of the Lebanon explosion, and for a country that has endured one tragedy after another: that the Lord may cover all in his mercy and healing.

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

We pray for our families and children nearing the start of the school year: that the Holy Spirit may dispel fears and anxieties and carry them forward through the challenges that lie ahead.

 Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.We pray for the sick, the vulnerable, and the lonely; especially our elderly in their homes and residences who are without the visits of friends and loved ones: that the Lord may bring light and hope to their hearts.

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

We pray for our deceased loved ones, and for all who mourn their loss: that God may grant them consolation and peace.

Lord in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

We ask Mary the mother of Jesus to pray with us as we say Hail Mary……

In a few moments of silence we place our own needs before our Heavenly Father

CELEBRANT:  Loving Father, give us faith and courage to cope with the storms in our lives.  May we find refuge in your Son, who stretches out his hand for strength and support during all our struggles.  We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the Feast of the Assumption 2020

Priest: With trust in the Lord who calls us all to follow Him we present all our prayers to Him, confident in His unceasing mercy.

We pray for the Church, may the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, guide and support all bishops, priests and deacons with her maternal love. 

Lord, hear us.                         Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for all who have been affected by Covid19, those in our Churches who cannot leave their homes, Holy Mother be their comforter at this time.

Lord, hear us.                        Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for those in hospital and the families that can only see their relatives virtually, that they may find the assurance of God’s presence in the love of his people.

Lord, hear us.                       Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for the faithful departed: May they come to dwell with Our Lady in the presence of the risen Lord. 

Lord, hear us.                      Lord graciously hear us.

Let us now turn to Mary, who was assumed sinless into heaven, and seek her intercession as we say:
 Hail Mary …

In the silence of our hearts we bring all our needs to the presence of God our merciful Father.

Priest: Loving Father, who raised up the Blessed Virgin Mary into your Heavenly Kingdom, accept our prayers which we make with faith, and bring us into your holy embrace through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen



Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (year A)

Priest: In these uncertain times we hear Our Lord saying ‘Do not be afraid’, and so, in faith and hope, we turn to the Father and ask Him to answer our prayers.

Reader: The response to our prayers is “Hear our prayer”

  1. May the Church hear Your voice in the gentle breeze as she seeks to discern the way forward in a post-covid world.


Lord, in Your mercy: Hear our prayer.

  1. May we emerge from the covid virus as a more compassionate and caring society.


Lord, in Your mercy: Hear our prayer

  1. We pray for the city of Beirut; for those who died in the explosion and those who grieve; for those who were injured, for those who are now homeless and have lost everything. We pray for the rescue workers, those caring for the sick and injured, those bringing food and shelter. We ask you to enfold this shattered city in Your love and healing power.


Lord, in Your mercy: Hear our prayer.

  1. We pray for allthose in our 3 Churches who are sick, especially those in hospital, who cannot see their loved ones. May they have a strong sense of their love.


Lord, in Your mercy: Hear our prayer

  1. We remember all our parishioners who have died recently; receive them into the joy of Your heavenly kingdom, and comfort those who mourn for them.


Lord, in Your mercy: Hear our prayer.

            In a few moments’ silence let us pray for all the other needs we hold in our hearts.


We ask Mary to join our prayers to her own, us as we say

Hail Mary ….

Priest: Heavenly Father, we ask you to look kindly on our prayers and heal our ravaged world. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
