Category Archives: bidding prayers

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 22nd Sunday of the year, 2019

The message in today’s readings is that the Lord prizes humility in us as a gift beyond compare. Accordingly we ask for in abundance 

Our response is “Lord we call upon your mercy

We pray for the Church throughout the world but remembering especially the mission of Fr Andy Bord who joins us now as assistant priest in our Three Churches. We pray that he will have a joyful and fruitful period with us


Lord  we call upon your mercy

With joy we welcome Emily Cousins as she joins the Church today in the sacrament of Baptism. We ask the Lord’s richest blessings for her as she starts her missionary journey and we ask a blessing on her parents and wider family who will be her first guides on her pilgrim journey


Lord we call upon your mercy

We pray now for Emma Johnston and James Petryna who are to be married next week. We ask for the Lord’s richest blessings on their future life together Pause 

Lord we call upon your mercy

Let us remember all the deceased of our Three Churches thinking especially about  Edna Wharry who died recently. May the Lord greet all of them joyfully and may He comfort those who grieve for them


Lord, we call on your mercy

We call on the Lord to guide all our political leaders at this very delicate time

R………Lord we call upon your mercy


For a few moments let us listen in our hearts to the voice of our Loving Father

                                    LONGER PAUSE

 We ask Mary ,our mother, to take up our concerns and join us in our prayers saying Hail Mary ….etc

Heavenly Father, listen to our petitions and and grant them through Jesus your Beloved Son who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit

forever . AMEN







Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 22nd Sunday of the year, 2019

The message in today’s readings is that the Lord prizes humility in us as a gift beyond compare. Accordingly we ask for in abundance

Our response is “Lord we call upon your mercy”

We pray for the Church throughout the world but remembering especially the mission of Fr Andy Bord who joins us now as assistant priest in our Three Churches. We pray that he will have a joyful and fruitful period with us


Lord     we call upon your mercy

With joy we welcome Emily Cousins as she joins the Church today in the sacrament of Baptism. We ask the Lord’s richest blessings for her as she starts her missionary journey and we ask a blessing on her parents and wider family who will be her first guides on her pilgrim journey


Lord we call upon your mercy

We pray now for Emma Johnston and James Petryna who are to be married next week. We ask for the Lord’s richest blessings on their future life together Pause

Lord we call upon your mercy

Let us remember all the deceased of our Three Churches thinking especially about  Edna Wharry who died recently. May the Lord greet all of them joyfully and may He comfort those who grieve for them


Lord, we call on your mercy


We call on the Lord to guide all our political leaders at this very delicate time

Lord we call upon your mercy


For a few moments let us listen in our hearts to the voice of our Loving Father


We ask Mary ,our mother, to take up our concerns and join us in our prayers saying Hail Mary ….


Heavenly Father, listen to our petitions and and grant them through Jesus your Beloved Son who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit

forever . AMEN

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 20th Sunday of the year C, 2019

CELEBRANT:  We gather together to petition our loving Father, for the needs of the world, the community, and ourselves.

READER: The response is Lord graciously hear us

READER: We pray for the church, that it is seen as relevant to the people of the world.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: That we recognise the spark of God which is within all human life.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: That all people live with a greater care for the planet, recognising our role of stewardship for all that is living.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: That intolerant regimes be undone.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: In expectation and silence we pray our own personal prayers.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us

READER: We ask Mary the mother of Jesus to pray with us as we say Hail Mary……

CELEBRANT: Guide us, give us strength to love you. Help us run the race set before us and answer our prayers laid before you today, we ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary time, August 2019

Celebrant: Trustfully we bring all our needs to God in prayer;

 Reader: We pray for the Church, that it may be a sign and instrument of unity for all peoples, according to God’s plan.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

 Reader: We pray for all victims of violence and terrorism especially remembering those killed or injured in the mass shootings in the United States. We pray that those who govern may be blessed with the wisdom and courage to outlaw deadly weapons and be advocates for justice and peace.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray that, filled with love for Christ, we may show it by our efforts to bring peace and unity wherever we are.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for the healing of those who are sick in mind and body:

may they experience the power of the resurrection in their lives.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us. 

Reader: We pray for those in our own community who have died remembering particularly Mary Howard, whose funeral will take place this week and Sadie Jones, mother in law of Peter O’Toole.  May their faith in the resurrection lead them into eternal life.

Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

We ask Mary, the Mother of the Lord, to pray with us as we say –

Hail Mary.……

Let us pray for a while in silence.

Celebrant: Most loving Father, You sent Your Son to show us the human face of your Divine Love. Send us Your Spirit that we may be true witnesses of this Love, and bind men ever closer together.

We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2019

PRIEST –Heavenly Father, confident of your love and mercy, we place before you the needs of the church, the world and ourselves.

READER – As we listen to the readings today, we pray that we may not be concerned only with our own possessions but be generous in our concern for the needs of those less fortunate……..Lord in your mercy………Hear our prayer.

We pray that the leaders of the major countries of the world will use their influence to bring about an end to conflict where ever it exists…….Lord in your mercy…..

We pray that our Holy Father, all church leaders and all Christian people will, by their teaching and their lives be good examples for others to follow…..Lord in your mercy……

We pray for all who are sick, ill, infirm or disabled in any way may have God’s healing comfort and also receive compassionate care ……..Lord in your mercy…………

We pray for Emily Harper Rowlands who is being baptised this weekend, that she may grow in faith with the help of family and God-parents……….Lord in your mercy…….

In a few moments of silence let us listen for the voice of our Heavenly Father and place before him our own needs…………..

Mary, our Mother was the best example for us and we ask that she may join with us in prayer as we say…….Hail Mary

PRIEST –We make all our prayers through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ…………Amen

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the Feast of the Assumption, 2019

Today we celebrate the Assumption of Mary-body and soul- into heaven as the Father’s special way of noting her role in  our salvation story. We ask that at our death He may be there to lead us home. 

R .Let us pray for the Church throughout the world that it may be a beacon of light leading all people to the Lord

Lord lead us home


We pray for the future of all our people and that of our neighbours in Europe that ways may be found to guide us all to a prosperous and peaceful future


Lord, lead us home

We remember now all the deceased members of out Three Churches calling to mind especially Mary Howard a long standing member of our community whose funeral took place yesterday. We remember all those who grieve and ask that the Lord may comfort them in their time of loss


Lord lead us home

Tonight many people will sleep rough on the streets of our city. Let us remember our Christian responsibility for them


Lord lead us home

On this special feast of Mary, Our Mother we ask for her special support for us her children saying HAIL MARY…..                                   

For a few moments let us listen in our hearts to our Beloved Father



Heavenly Father we ask these gifts through Jesus your Son who lives with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit forever AMEN