Category Archives: bidding prayers

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the Feast of Sts Peter and Paul, 2019

As we celebrate the feast of Sts Peter and Paul and inspired by their steadfast faith in the Lord with we offer our petitions to Him with the confidence of well loved children

Our response is : May your love be upon us Lord 

Remembering the faith of Peter and Paul we pray for a renewal of power and enthusiasm in our task to spread the message of Christ’s love for all mankind


We pray……May your love be upon us Lord

Let us pray for all refugees especially those on the Mexican border at present that they may find a safe place to live and to care for their families


We pray…….May your love be upon us Lord

Hannah O’Brien and Craig Salisbury are to be married here in Christ the King this week and we pray that their love for each other may sustain them in whatever may lie ahead


We pray ….May your love be upon us Lord

We pray for all the deceased of our Three Churches remembering especially William Kennedy whose funeral took place this week. May his soul rest in peace and may his grieving relatives and friends be comforted in their loss


We pray…..May your love be upon us Lord

Let us spend a few moments in listening to the voice of our beloved Father


We ask Mary our mother to join her prayer to ours saying Hail Mary ….


Lord we ask you to hear and grant our petitions through Jesus your Son who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit forever



Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 7th Sunday in Easter, 2019

Priest:  We know that that the Lord has promised not to leave us as orphans after His Ascension, so therefore we look with confidence in his on going mercy to hear and grant our petitions.

Reader: Our response is “Lord hear us”

Now that the Lord sits in glory with the Father and the Spirit we ask for support and guidance for all who are charged with the task of spreading His Word to all mankind

We pray……..” Lord hear us”

Let us pray for the spirit of generosity towards our neighbours in Europe in the determination of our future lives together

We pray………”Lord hear us”   

Let us pray for the sick and afflicted of our parishes that the Lord may grant them ease from their suffering, physical or mental. We remember also, our Special Minsters of the Eucharist who carry the Lord in person to them each week.

We pray……”Lord hear us”

Let us pray for the repose of the soul of Michael Manning who died recently together with all the deceased of our 3 Parishes . We ask the Lord’s mercy for all of them and comfort for those who grieve.

We pray……..”Lord hear us”

 For a few moments let us listen in our hearts to the voice of our Father.


We pray with Mary our mother saying Hail Mary ….


Heavenly Father we ask these gifts through Jesus your Son who lives with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit forever  AMEN


Christ the King Bidding Prayers for The Ascension, 2019

Priest: Our hope is in our risen Lord. Confident that God will hear our prayers, we place our needs before him.

Reader: We pray for the Church, that it may give witness to the Risen Lord and call all non-believers to conversion.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that those who are in need of hope be inspired by the Ascension of our Lord and trust firmly that God offers them eternal happiness and the means to obtain it.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that the leaders of all nations will be mindful of the needs of the diverse people they are called to govern and serve.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all the faithful departed, may eternal rest and peace

be theirs in the loving presence of God our Father.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary, our loving Mother, to support us with her prayers as we say –. Hail Mary……

Let us pray for a moment in silence.

Priest: God of glory, as we commemorate this day when your Son Jesus was exalted in great triumph, hear our petitions and send us your Spirit of truth. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 5th Sunday of Easter (year C), 2019

Priest: We bring to the Father our petitions for the troubles and hopes in our hearts.

Reader:The response to our prayers is “Hear our prayer”

Help us to set aside the barriers of fear, resentment and insecurity which prevent us from truly loving others


Father of mercy: Hear our prayer

We pray for peace in the many trouble-spots in the world


Father of mercy: Hear our prayer

As Confirmation preparation begins this week, we pray that our young people will be inspired by this new stage in their faith journey. We pray also for their families and for the catechists as they support and guide them through the programme.


Father of mercy: Hear our prayer

We pray for all the intentions in our parish book of prayer


Father of mercy: Hear our prayer

We remember all the sick of the parish that they may be healed in body and mind. We pray too for those who care for them.


Father of mercy: Hear our prayer

In the silence of our hearts let us pray for all our other needs.


Let us ask Mary to join our prayers to her own as we say:

Hail Mary ….

Priest: Heavenly Father, confident in Your loving mercy we bring You our petitions through Your risen Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 4th Sunday in Easter, 2019

Jesus is our Shepherd and we come together to ask him for our needs and for the needs of others.

Reader;     The response is; Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

In this Easter season, we pray for our priests, and for all who teach and spread the message of Christian love and discipleship..…pause…………..

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

We pray for families who have lost everything they possess; most recently following the cyclone in India, but also the people of Mozambique and Malawi, so quickly forgotten in the news bulletins.  May the aid agencies succeed in providing support and enabling them to rebuild their homes and their lives.

. ….…pause…………..

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

We pray for the young people of our 3 Churches who have received Holy Communion for the the first time this weekend. May they grow in their love and appreciation for Jesus’ presence with us in the Blessed Sacrament.

. ….…pause…………..

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer) 

We pray for Cardiff Catenians, on this their President’s Sunday weekend. May the Brothers of Cardiff Circle, and their families, continue to strengthen family life through. friendship and faith.

. ….…pause…………..

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

We pray for those who mourn and we remember especially the families of Ita Edwards, and Gloria Chapman; who have died recently; and whose funerals take place next week.  May they rest in heavenly peace.  

………pause … …

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

Let us spend a few moments in silent prayer – – – –  longer pause – – – – –

We ask Mary the mother of our Lord to join her prayers to ours saying,

 Hail Mary………….

God of love, listen to our petitions and grant them through him who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 3rd Sunday of Easter, 2019

Intercessions Third Sunday of Easter 4/5th May

Priest: Let us turn to our Risen Christ, and ask him to hear our prayers.

Reader: We pray for the universal Church. May her bishops and priests be faithful to prayer like the first apostles and be given the courage to accept Christ’s call.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader: We pray for the world, especially those areas experiencing conflict, political unrest and corruption, that Christ, the Lord of all truth and life, may lead mankind to desire justice, peace and integrity.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader: We pray for Sian Taylor and Oliver Jones who were married here on Friday. May they live and grow together in love and peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader: We pray for all who are sick, that they may be strengthened by the power of your love and find healing in the light of your grace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader: We pray for all those who have died, that they may find eternal peace in the place which Christ has prepared for them, the Kingdom of God. We remember especially Gloria Chapman who has died recently.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Our Lady to join her prayers with ours as we say Hail Mary……..

Let us pray for a few moments in silence

Priest: God our Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son, Jesus, who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.