Category Archives: Christ the King

Feast of Christ the King celebration

On Sunday 26 November, at 9.30 Mass in Christ the King Church, a beautiful celebration of the Feast of Christ the King took place, led by the staff and children of Christ the King Primary School.  The music was delightful; the children carrying out the liturgies did so with confidence and dignity and Fr Andy provided a homily to inspire the children – how we are accompanied by angels whenever we are in the presence of Jesus.  A big thank you to Sue Miles, Headteacher and all the staff who helped make our special feast day such a memorable one. 


Photo of altar at Christ the King church for celebration of the Feast of Christ the King, 2023.

New members needed for Christ the King Parish Advisory Council

Three new council members are needed for Christ the King Parish Advisory Council this year (June 2023). This form should be signed by the proposer and the nominee and returned to the Parish Office (email or post in the mailbox to the right of the main door of the Parish Centre)  on or before Sunday 18 June 2023.

Download nomination form (Microsoft Word version)

Download nomination form (Rich Text version)

An election to take place as necessary at the Masses on 1/2 July 2023.

Change of mass time at Christ the King

 From Sunday 30 April the time of morning Mass will change from 9am to 9.30am to make it easier for parishioners, old and young, including bus service users, to get to Mass.   It will also facilitate the provision of children’s liturgy.
We hope this will also help those who haven’t resumed regular Mass attendance post-pandemic.  The change will be reviewed by the Parish Advisory Council in July.  

Children’s liturgy at Christ the King

Children’s Liturgy at Christ the King will start Sunday 30 April at 9.30am Mass and be held each Sunday in the school term, apart from Sundays when there is a family Mass. It is intended for primary school children (reception upwards).  Children will be called forward at the start of Mass and taken to the Parish Centre by the catechists.  They will celebrate the liturgy of the word and undertake a related activity before coming back to rejoin their families at the offertory. 
Parents are asked not to accompany their children to the liturgy unless their child has a special need or requires settling in.