Category Archives: Christ the King

The most live of all live-streaming

This week the techie people have been installing cameras and stuff for live-streaming in Christ the King. This is partly as a result of the importance given to communications in our Synod discussions. Over the next months we will notice changes also in the newsletter and on the website.

For Fr Andy and me it was a very strange experience back in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic to celebrate Mass on our own at St Brigid’s. Next it became possible through very helpful parishioners to stream Mass via a personal computer, and then we eventually bought a system for permanent live-streaming. At its busiest we were getting 500 to 600 viewings every Sunday. There were 200 for each Stations of the Cross that year.

Now, although Mass has resumed we still get a good number watching. This would be partly people who are housebound and partly people who do not yet feel comfortable in returning to Mass.

So, a message to each of these groups. First – to the housebound, please remember you are very much part of our communities. Whatever it is that prevents you being with us, you are indeed with us in spirit, and important to us. May we all improve our determination to keep in touch with this. Second to those who have not yet returned – we are missing you! Please be assured that we continue to follow guidelines for the celebration of Mass, that there are areas where those who wish to maintain some distancing can sit – and you can be sure of a warm welcome.

So we continue our Advent journey. The thought occurs to me that throughout the Old Testament God was kind of live-streaming his thought and words, not through cameras and computers but through prophets and kings etc. But eventually, it was clear that best of all was for God to appear “live” as it were, and so that is exactly what happened. It had been good for the people to read about God and study their books in the Bible, but now they could meet Him face to face – in a Baby at Bethlehem! They could eat and drink with Him, listen and talk with him, touch him and be touched by him. And so can we – in the Mass, the Eucharist. It is, after all, the most live of all live-streaming.

Fr Matthew

Parish Advisory Council vacancy

We have a vacancy on the Christ the King Parish Advisory Council.

The Council exists to reflect on, advise and make recommendations to the parish priest on the pastoral activity of the parish.

If you feel that you could contribute to this rewarding opportunity, please do consider seeking nomination. You can find forms at the back of Christ the King church or you can download the form in Microsoft Word format.

Nominations closed Sunday 23 October. Email completed forms to or post in the parish centre to the right of the main door.

Election will be held at mass on 5 and 6 November 2022.

Almost there…

We are looking to our Children’s “Bambinelli” events and our Carol Service this week.
Booking is necessary for any of our six Christmas Masses as follows:

*Please note that the church is now fully booked for Christmas Eve Mass at CTK though there are some seats available in the Parish Centre. There are still plenty of seats available for Christmas morning 9am Mass but these must be pre-booked.

Full details for our Advent and Christmas activities are on our 3 Churches Advent & Christmas Info Sheet.

Note there is no evening Mass on Thursday, Christmas Day or the Holy Family (Boxing Day).

Christ the King Bidding prayers for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (year B)

Priest:  As we consider the sadnesses of our world, we turn to God our Father for help.
Reader:  The response to our prayers is “Hear our prayer”
We pray for the synodal process soon to begin throughout the Church. May we be generous in walking together through sharing and listening to the Holy Spirit, active in all of us so that the Church is purified and increasingly shows the truth and beauty of Your presence in the world.
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
May the climate change initiatives help us to tend and preserve the creation You gave us, and may we see in the CAFOD appeal a practical way of doing this.
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
We pray for the people of La Palma, devastated by the volcano eruption, and for all those experiencing natural or manmade disasters; may other countries be generous in helping to relieve their suffering.
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
We pray for Priscilla Quinn, whose funeral takes place this week; receive her into the joy and light of Your kingdom. We pray also for her family and friends that they may be comforted in their loss.
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
May those suffering mental health issues find the help and support they need and have the courage and perseverance to persevere with their treatment plan.
Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer.

 In the silence of our hearts we pray for all the other needs we are aware of.

We ask Mary to join our prayers to her own, us as we say:
Hail Mary ….

Priest: Heavenly Father we come to you in sorrow for the mess we sometimes make of your world, and in hope that you will help us to make it a better place.