Category Archives: Christ the King

Christ the King Bidding prayers for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2021

Priest: We stand in faith before the Father and bring our petitions with trust in God’s goodness and love.

Reader: We pray for the Church and our parish community, may we joyfully take up Jesus’ cross of selflessness and be powerful instruments of evangelization.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader: We pray for our world leaders, that they work together to bring healing to countries devastated by war.  

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader: Let us pray for our children and teachers as they embark on the new academic year. May our schools be places where a love of learning prevails.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader: Let us pray for Sebastian and Lila Feneck and Sebastian and Bella Paglionico who were baptised into our 3 churches family this weekend. We also pray for their parents and godparents; may their lives and the lives of all of us here, be examples of faith to inspire them.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader: We pray for those who are sick and for all who are enduring any kind of suffering.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reader: We pray for those who have died in the peace of Christ, that God will raise them to new life.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We turn to Mary and ask her to join her prayers with ours as we say Hail Mary…

Let us pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts…

Priest: Heavenly Father, we are merely servants, yet we have confidence in making our need known to you, for the greatness of your mercy and love have been shown to us through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Chris the King Bidding prayers for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (year B)

Prayers of the faithful for weekend 7-8TH August 2021

PRIEST – Let us bring before our Heavenly Father the needs of he world and the Church and ask that He will look favourably  upon our prayers.

READER – The response to our prayers is “Hear our prayer “…………

We pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis and all Bishops and leaders of the Church that by their example and guidance  they will strengthen the message of the Church throughout the world……..Heavenly Father….

We pray that our Parish Clergy  will continue to provide  well for our pastoral care and that Fr Matthew and  Fr Peter will benefit from their short break…….Heavenly Father……….

We pray that  all who are ill, infirm or disabled in any way will recover good health and experience compassionate care……….Heavenly Father………..

We pray for the repose of the souls of those who have recently died. Eternal rest grant unto them Oh Lord…….

We pray that  those people throughout the world who  have been affected by the extreme conditions arising from climate change may receive the help they so desparately need…….Heavenly Father……..

In a few moments of silence we bring our own needs before our Heavenly Father………..Heavenly  Father….

We ask for the help of Our Blessed Mother,Mary as  we  say….Hail Mary……

PRIEST-We make all our prayer through Jesus Christ, our Saviour….Amen




Christ the King Bidding Prayers for 1st Sunday in Lent, 2021

We come together as pilgrims at the beginning of our Lenten journey and we ask the Lord to hear our prayers.

Reader;         The response is;                 

Lord, in your mercy

Hear our prayer

We pray for those who are hungry.  May this season of Lent inspire us as individuals, and as a Parish Community, to work with CAFOD and other charities to alleviate hunger and poverty, both here at home and in the rest of the world.   .  . ……….. pause ……………….

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

We pray for children and young people everywhere, especially those who are in care, and young homeless people.. . .. … … … … … … pause …

Lord, in your mercy

We pray for single people who so frequently give so much of themselves to others and to the community.  May their lives be fulfilled … … … … pause …

Lord in your mercy

We pray for those who mourn, especially those in our own parish who have lost loved ones during this year of pandemic and previously.  May they be comforted by a belief in a loving God, and supported in their lives by the community. .. … … … … … … pause …

Lord, in your mercy

And we pray for the scientists sacrificing so much of their lives, to find lasting solutions to the Pandemic.. … … … pause …

Lord in your mercy

Let us spend a few moments in silent prayer – – – –  longer pause – – – – –

We ask Mary the mother of our Lord to join her prayers to ours saying,

            Hail Mary………….

God of love, listen to our petitions and grant them through him who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2021

Priest: Dear friends, like the leper we know that God can heal us: we intercede for the church, the world and for ourselves.

Reader: Let us pray for the continued strength and safety of Pope Francis as he patiently carries out the mission entrusted to him by the Holy Spirit… Loving father, hear our prayer.

We pray for all the people in the world who long for peace with justice and for freedom from repressive governments and leaders … Loving father, hear our prayer.

Let us thank God for the dedicated people working to care for us all: in hospitals and laboratories, vaccination centres and homes, schools and shops. Let us pray with hope for the worst of the pandemic to pass… Loving father, hear our prayer.

We pray for all those who suffer from leprosy and any kind of skin disease; For all those two, “outside the camp “who feel unwanted or forgotten… loving father, hear our prayer.

We remember with affection father Ray O’Shea, former parish priest of Christ the King, who died a few days ago. Let us pray for the repose of his soul: eternal rest grant into him…

Let us be still for a few moments in the Lords healing presence…

Father Ray had a special affinity with Lourdes as a place of pilgrimage and reconciliation. Let us turn for help to Our Lady of Lourdes as we say: Hail Mary…

Christ the King Bidding Prayers for the 4th Sunday of year B, 2021

Priest: Confident in our Father’s love for us, we bring to Him the concerns in our hearts.

Reader: The response to our prayers is “Hear our prayer”

  1. May we open our hearts and minds to listen to Pope Francis and all those who have a prophetic mission in the Church.


Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

  1. We welcome Maisie Grace Zendaya Nkhata into the Church this weekend. May she grow strong in the love of Christ through the support of her parents and godparents, and of our parish community.


Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

  1. We give thanks for all those whose lives and work proclaim Your love: help us all to serve the communities in whose life we share.


Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

  1. We pray for all those who follow Christ in the Priesthood and the Consecrated Life. May they be faithful to their calling of witnessing to You through prayer and service, and may those who hear this call respond generously.


Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

  1. Today is also the feast of St John Bosco. We pray for all those who, like him, work with young people, and especially at this time, for those supporting them through the pressures and consequences of lockdown.


Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

  1. We pray that manufacturers find the means to rapidly increase the supplies of vaccines against Covid-19, so that all countries and communities may receive an equal share quickly.


Merciful Father: Hear our prayer.

            In the silence of our hearts we pray for all our other needs.


We ask Mary, our mother, to offer our prayers with her own, us as we say

Hail Mary ….

Priest: Heavenly Father, we ask you to look down on our needy world with compassion, and help nations and individuals to be guided only by your values. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.





Christ the King Bidding Prayers for 3rd Sunday in Advent, 2020

Priest        We come together in this season of Advent to ask God our Father for our needs and the needs of others.

Reader          The response is;

Lord, graciously hear us

On this third Sunday of Advent we pray for the Church throughout the world that it may continue to proclaim the coming of God’s kingdom and that this message may bring hope to all who hear it …….. pause………….

Lord hear us

We pray for peace in the world. We think particularly of the long standing conflicts in the Middle East and the Holy Land, and the refugees who like the Holy Family, are seeking a safe place to live. .…. Pause………..  

Lord hear us

And nearer to home, we pray for the families of this Parish, and especially for those families for whom Christmas may not be a joyful occasion.  Be with them all in their difficulties and help us to support them.…….. pause………….

Lord hear us

We give thanks for the good news of an effective vaccine against Covid 19 and we pray for all those engaged in making it available to us. … pause……

Lord hear us

Let us take a few moments for silent prayer….. pause……………………………..

We ask Mary, the mother of our Lord to join her prayers to ours as we pray;

Hail Mary…………. 

Priest        Heavenly Father, listen to our petitions and grant them through Jesus Your Son who lives in glory with you and the Holy Spirit forever