Category Archives: newsletter

First Holy Communion

On the next two Saturdays our children will be receiving their first Holy Communion at 10 o’clock Mass at St Brigid’s, having celebrated their first Reconciliation recently at Christ the King. We join with them in celebrating this very special occasion and pray for them and their families for their faith journey from this point on.

 Fr Matthew

New Archbishop

Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Mark O’Toole as Archbishop-elect of Cardiff and Bishop-elect of Menevia. He has been Bishop of Plymouth since 2013. Previously, he was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Westminster in 1990 and served as private secretary to Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor between 2002 – 2008, before his appointment as rector of Allen Hall seminary in 2008. Archbishop-elect O’Toole will become the eighth Archbishop of Cardiff in succession to Most Rev George Stack, who has been Archbishop of Cardiff since 2011. The installation will take place in the Cathedral on 20 June 2022, the feast of the Welsh martyrs Saints Julius and Aaron. We look forward to his arrival among us and remember him and Cardiff and Menevia dioceses in our prayers.

Fr Matthew

Divine Mercy

“Lord have mercy – Christ have mercy – Lord have mercy”
“Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us”

These are just two of the many references to God’s mercy in the liturgy. In response to the mythical experiences of St Faustina in the early 20th century, Pope St John Paul II named this Sunday as Divine Mercy Sunday.

We pray not so much for God to be more merciful – that is God’s nature – but rather for a greater openness to that mercy in our lives and the lives of all peoples in our troubled world.

Fr Matthew