Category Archives: newsletter

Synod news

The parish phase of the worldwide Synod taking place at the moment wants to reach beyond the regular congregations.

We need to provide opportunities for those who are no longer active participating members of the Church.

In the Archdiocese of Cardiff there will be an evening of discussion open to all from across South East Wales and Herefordshire. It will take place on Tuesday 8 February 7pm – 8.30pm via Zoom. Register by emailing

Please pass this information on – asking what do YOU think of the Catholic Church?

Have you walked away from the Church?

Do you have issues with the Church’s teachings?

We need to hear from you. Pope Francis has asked for the Church to listen. We want you to be heard.

The Synod – 3 churches meetings

The Synod Representatives from the 3 Churches are holding a series of meetings to which you are invited to attend:

Sunday 23 January ~ Coffee Morning Group. via Zoom 

Thursday 27 January ~ Parish Council, Acolytes, Cleaners S.V.P. 7pm Christ the King Parish Centre

Tuesday 1 February ~ Circle of Friends 8pm via Zoom

Thursday 3 February ~ Stewards, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers 7pm. Christ the King Parish Centre

Monday 7 February ~ 3 Churches Bereavement, Proclaim, Liturgy Groups 7pm. St Brigid’s Hall

Saturday 12 February ~ Open Meeting after 6pm Mass. Christ the King Parish Centre

Sunday 13 February ~ Open Meeting after 9am Mass. Christ the King Parish Centre

Monday 14 February ~ 3 Churches Catechists, Parents of First Holy Communion Children, also those Confirmed last year and their parents. 7pm St Brigid’s Hall

Tuesday 15 February ~ Musicians, Singers 7pm Christ the King Church

Monday 21 February ~ Open Meeting 2.30pm / 7pm St Brigid’s Hall

Monday 28 February ~ 3 Churches Group Bereavement, Proclaim, Liturgy 7pm St Brigid’s

Please make every effort to attend your designated meeting. However, if you are unable to join your particular group you are most welcome to join another .


Any of the Parish Representatives can be contacted via email:
Simon Brockway /
Margaret Fegan
Ann Reid
Tania Walsh
Pat Williams

What do YOU think of the Catholic Church?

photo inside church
  • Have you walked away from the Church?
  • Do you have issues with the Church’s teachings?
  • We need to hear from YOU!

Pope Francis has asked for the Church to listen.

We want YOU to be heard.

photo inside church

  • What changes does the Church need to make for the future?
  • How can the Church best serve the world?
  • What is your dream for a future church?

These and other questions will be part of a Zoom meeting for people living in South-East Wales.

7pm to 8.30pm, Tuesday 8 February 2022.

To register for a place, email