Category Archives: newsletter

Those who have gone before us

Dear friends and parishioners

This recent period has created many memories some of which we would rather forget. But every November we bring to the Lord those who have gone before us. We will be celebrating November Masses for those we carry in our heart, and next Saturday we have our Mass of Memories at Christ the King, when we particularly remember those who have died over the past year. Eternal rest grant to them, Lord.

Fr Matthew

The Synod. Let’s get thinking and chatting!

So to start us off, from the Synod documents: “The fundamental question that guides this consultation of the People of God”… is the following:

A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together.”

How is this “journeying together” happening today in your particular Church?

What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our journeying together?

We are invited to:

  • ask ourselves what experiences in our parish and / or diocese the fundamental question calls to mind
  • what joys did they provoke?
  • what difficulties and obstacles have they encountered?
  • what wounds have they brought to light?
  • what insights have they elicited?
  • where, in these experiences, does the voice of the Spirit resound?
  • what is the Spirit asking of us?
  • what are the points to be confirmed, the prospects for change, the steps to be taken?
  • what paths are opening up?

The Synod – coordinators needed

Dear friends and parishioners

Diocesan coordinator Madeleine Walters from St Teilo’s and her team are now asking each church community for at least two people, to be representatives in enabling parishioners to reflect, share and respond to the questions of the Synod.

It’s disappointing that only one person volunteered last week, and it would be tragic if we all were prevented from making our contribution by a lack of coordinators.

If you would like to serve our churches in this historic event, please email Fr Matthew at within the next three days. The diocese will supply training next week, and info will continue in forthcoming newsletters.

Fr Matthew