Category Archives: newsletter

What can you share?

Dear friends and parishioners

Through our Baptism we are all responsible for the life and ministry of the Church. This autumn let’s be thinking about what God has given us that we can share with one another. The number of people who have offered to help with the Food Bank and more recently the Food Market shows that we can all share our time and our talents in many different ways. So, what do you have to share and how can you share it?

Fr Matthew

Gifts that God has given you

Dear friends and parishioners

It is not only the number of organists in our parishes that has been depleted recently. We need new volunteers in many aspects of parish life.

Please remember that through our Baptism, we all together are responsible for the life and ministry of the Church. So, what gifts has God given you that can be used for his glory and the good of his vineyard – it is your responsibility not just to receive in the Church, but to give… not just money but the gifts, interests and enthusiasm God has given you.

~ Fr Matthew

The God who speaks

Fr Matthew Zooms on St Paul

A reminder that the diocese is currently running monthly Zoom Scripture Study Days under the heading “The God Who Speaks”.
The next one will be given this Saturday 11 September,  11am – 12.30pm by Father Matthew and is titled “A Brief Look at St Paul’s Life and Teaching”.
The God who speaks
You can access the talks on the day through Zoom at or via Zoom ID 863 9669 5727  Passcode 068790.
Details of the programme of talks for the year can be found on the Archdiocesan website.
For more information contact Madeleine ( or Kate (

Mass restrictions

Dear friends and parishioners
This weekend we move into fewer restrictions for Mass, agreed by the 3 Churches. Our guiding principle is to ease distancing while respecting and facilitating those who wish to continue to do so. Please follow, as always, the directives of our stewards.

Fr Matthew