Category Archives: newsletter

I know my own and my own know me

Dear friends and parishioners

In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus says “I know my own and my own know me”.
Do we feel comfortable that Jesus knows us through and through?
Equally, on our journey of faith together, do we truly feel able to say that we know Jesus through and through?
Let’s pray that we may come to know Him at least a little as well as he knows each and every one of us!

Fr Matthew

Let’s tread carefully and prayerfully with one another

Dear friends and parishioners

Every so often I take a look at some of the strangely mesmerising videos on YouTube showing the new volcano in Iceland. It began a few weeks ago and now there are 6 or 8 ‘vents’ spewing smoke or lava, looking spectacular especially at night. To think that this is all going on deep down under our feet in the magma of the earth.

A bit like all of us, I suppose – you never know what is going on underneath.

So let’s tread carefully and prayerfully with one another.

There are many videos of the volcano available such as (shown above), some of which are live, search ‘Iceland volcano’.

Fr Matthew

Thank you!

Dear friends and parishioners

Now that we have returned to public Mass and so moved into a new phase, it’s a good time to thank everyone. We thank all who helped to turn a difficult Lent and Holy Week into what many people felt was something special. Now, in turn, we thank everyone who will be making our public Masses and activities possible. To everyone, a great big Easter socially distanced hug!

Fr Matthew