Category Archives: newsletter

Thank you Des!

Dear parishioners and friends of our 3 Churches,

We are blessed in our 3 Churches with so many people involved in so many different ministries etc.  It’s hard to keep up sometimes with who’s doing what!

Important then to acknowledge long service, and so we are delighted to express our thanks to Des Woods who has recently given up coordinating the writing of the Intercessions (Bidding Prayers) in Christ the King for many years, keeping the rota etc. Thank you Des!

If there is someone that you think we should recognise for long service, let me know…

~ Fr Matthew

Pray for those recently baptised

Dear parishioners and friends of our 3 Churches,

Last week we celebrated the Feast of our Lord’s Baptism – a good opportunity to share with you those who have been baptised since November in these restricted times.
So please pray for: Nolan Anthony Lewis, Elsie Alys Jones, Lauren Cerys Austin-Johnston, Lewis Owain Austin-Johnston, and, this coming week, Maisie Grace Zendaya Nkhata.

Remember them and their god-parents.

Fr Matthew

Abiding in Christ

Dear parishioners and friends of our 3 Churches,

Our Ecumenism Commission writes: “The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity starts this Monday, January 18th. The theme for 2021 is ‘Abiding in Christ’, based on John 15: 1-17. It expresses and encourages the vocation to prayer, reconciliation and unity in the Church and the human family. Although many of us are unable to meet with our fellow Christians this year, the Commission for Christian Unity encourages us to make use of the prayerful material available as a download. Find it at and sustain our prayer for the Unity for which Christ prayed. Contact email: 

Fr Matthew