Category Archives: newsletter

Saturday mornings

Dear parishioners and friends of our 3 Churches:

Between now and Christmas we hope to catch up on Baptisms and First Confessions and Communions. Most of these will take place on Saturday mornings, which will mean changing the shape of the morning. So if you intend to come to Mass then, please make sure from week to week you check the newsletter. Meanwhile remember also that the Sunday Obligation is still lifted, so you can come to Mass any day. With some of our Sunday Masses getting full, it’s worth thinking about.

Fr Matthew

Things are changing again…

Dear parishioners and friends of our 3 Churches

Things are changing again as the virus seems to flex its muscles once more. Talking with fellow clergy, it’s clear to me that in our 3 Churches we have made more progress than most in reopening. The future now looks more uncertain, but I know that if we work together and with the Lord in our midst, we will handle it, whatever way things go. Once again, I truly thank all those who have in any way, done precisely that thus far – worked together for the good of all. Long may it continue!

Fr Matthew

Your special saint

Dear parishioners and friends of our 3 Churches,
I notice that my patron St Matthew has his feast this week. But do we have any saints on whom we may call in the current situation? Well, yes, we do! St Sebastian has been called on in plague situations, St Roch has helped too. Among female saints St Rosalia, who I came across as patron of Palermo Sicily, has often been invoked. Seems to me we need as much help as we can. Do you have any special saint for us to turn to?

Fr Matthew