Category Archives: newsletter

Sunday mass returns to St Paul’s…

Dear parishioners and friends of our 3 Churches,

Sunday Mass returns to St Paul’s this weekend. Fr Peter Davies is back to assist us, for which we are so grateful. The numbers attending our weekend Masses are growing, and we are monitoring them. If the numbers begin to exceed our limits then we will review our options, of which there are several in operation in different parishes, such as booking systems, alternating Sundays etc. However, this is a good problem to have, as it shows our communities’ faith in the central place the Mass has for us. Long may it be so!

Fr Matthew

Progress on re-opening our churches

Dear parishioners and friends of our 3 Churches,

Progress continues in the re-opening of our churches. From next Sunday 13 September there will be Mass at St Paul’s on its “normal” days of Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Fr Peter Davies will be back to assist us, for which we are so grateful. He has been doing fantastic work in his capacity as hospital chaplain during the crisis, including the most difficult cases.

We remember also our children returning to school around this time. In addition, we are preparing to resume Baptisms and have started to plan the celebration of First Communions, which will probably be in small groups.

Fr Matthew

Take extra care and welcome one and all!

Dear parishioners and friends of our 3 Churches

Can we sense some kind of opening up, even a return to some kind of normal? If so, it is natural to be excited by that. But the fact is that we are still in a very precarious situation regarding the virus. All the more reason, then, as our children and grandchildren return to school, to make sure that we follow appropriate directions, and protocols in school, in church, at work, at home – everywhere. Meanwhile, it’s great seeing everyone who is able to come to church, and knowing that hundreds are following on the internet. Welcome one and all!

Fr Matthew