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Holding hands with God

The readings of Isaiah are so moving during Advent, calling us to consider our relationship with God in new ways. Isaiah invites us to consider a relationship with God on a very deep and personal level, to feel comforted, loved and protected. Isaiah offers us a God who rejoices in us and celebrates us with banquets of rich wines and choice food. There is a constant exhortation not to be afraid. “Fear not, I will help you.” (Isaiah 41: 13).

I have read these words every Advent for years, and focused on the words, “Fear not.” But one morning as I looked at this passage, I noticed the beginning of it: “I am the Lord, your God who grasp your right hand.” It was fairly specific. Not that I was reaching out to God, but that God was reaching out to me – and grasping me by my right hand. How wonderful. I relaxed into that image and tried to picture that. What would it be like to have God hold my right hand? Terrible! I couldn’t do anything! I am right-handed and if God is holding onto it, how would I get all of my things done? I am a busy, busy person (sometimes so busy that I am coming and going at the same time). With my right hand un-usable, I couldn’t drive, use the computer or grab my mobile phone. If I really ponder the image of the Lord grasping my right hand, it takes me several minutes to get beyond, “I can’t get anything done!”

Then I pause in my mental distress and hold this dilemma up to God as an offering: “What now, God?” I am the LORD, your God, who grasp your right hand… I will help you.” I can see that the passage means that I can’t do it all alone. I am strong, busy, independent and apparently somewhat arrogant. I want to do it all myself. How do I share my life and work with a God who at the moment seems to be hampering my progress?

That’s where the Isaiah reading adds, “It is I who say to you, ’Fear not, I will help you.” I really, really don’t have to do it alone. I can step off my self-imposed pedestal and join the rest of the human race in asking for help. I can ask God every morning to open my heart in new ways for the freedom to accept what God wants for me – not what I want for me. I can realize that God stands ready, cherishing me every moment, holding my hand and offering me a banquet.

I am the LORD, your God, who grasp your right hand;

It is I who say to you, “Fear not, I will help you.”

Maureen M Waldren, Online Ministries of Creighton University USA

Christ the King bidding prayers, 25 November 2018 (Feast of Christ the King)

Priest.      Gathered together as the community of Christ the King on our 40thAnniversary, we put our petitions before the Lord

Reader :         The response is;                  

Lord, in your mercy

Hear our prayer

We pray for our Church and its members as we give thanks for 40 years as a Parish community.  May we continue to grow in faith and provide fellowship to one another….………pause………

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

We pray for the priests and lay people who have served our Parish in the past, thinking especially of those who, 40 years ago, had the vision and commitment to begin the work of building our Church…… ……  pause ………

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

And we remember the clergy and members of the Parish who have died during the lifetime of the Parish.  We give thanks for their contribution and pray that they may they rest in peace….… ……  pause ………

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

Turning to the wider world, we pray that we find ways of reaching out and supporting those in need, and sharing the message of God’s love with others.  … …  pause

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

And we pray for our young people who represent the future of our Parish. May they continue to know the presence of our loving God, as they make their way in the world.… … pause

Lord, in your mercy– (Hear our prayer)

Lastly,for ourselves as we take a few moments in silence to listen to the Lord.  …………longer pause……………….

We ask Mary to add a mother’s prayer to our own saying;

            Hail Mary………….

Priest.      God of love, listen to our petitions and grant them through him who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit.  

The temple that we are

This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, and with it, this year, the 40th anniversary of the opening of the new church in 1978. We welcome our Archbishop George Stack at 11 o’clock Mass.

The word “church” finds its origin in the medieval Greek kurikon = the Lord’s house, while the Latin ecclesiaFrench eglise, Welsh eglwys etc come from the word for an assembly. So the “real” church is not the building first but the People – us – who then gather in the Lord’s house. Therefore, as we celebrate 40 years of the building, let us also remember and celebrate the people who have come together in the church over those 40 years and several years before in what is now the hall. They have been – we are – the living stones of the living Church.

Here is part of Preface 1 from the Mass for the Dedication of a Church. It is very rich in our understanding of the Church, so please let us in all 3 Churches – one Church! – take some time to read and pray over it slowly as part of our celebrations.

In this visible house that you have let us build
 and where you never cease to show favor
to the family on pilgrimage to you in this place,
 you wonderfully manifest and accomplish
the mystery of your communion with us.

Here you build up for yourself the temple that we are
and cause your Church, spread through the world,
to grow ever more and more as the Lord’s own Body,
till she reaches her fullness in the vision of peace,
the heavenly city of Jerusalem.

And so, with the countless ranks of the blessed,
in the temple of your glory we praise you,
we bless you and proclaim your greatness, as we acclaim...

Fr Matthew

Christ the king bidding prayers, 18 November 2018

Priest: In today’s readings we are reminded of the inevitability of the Great Final Judgement   but we are also reminded of the Lord’s forgiveness and the comfort which he offers to us at all times. Accordingly, we bring our petitions to him with the confidence of well loved children  

Reader. Our response is “ Lord  hear and grant our prayers”

R. We pray for he Church throughout the world remembering especially those areas where to be a follower of Christ is to be in daily danger of death


R. We pray ……….”Lord , hear and grant our prayers”

R.Let us remember all who have perished in the Californian forest fires and all who have survived and now must try to re-build their lives  bereft of in many cases of loved ones who have been lost


R. We pray….”Lord hear and granr our prayers”

R.Let us pray for all who are engaged in the brexit negotations on our behalf. May the Lord guide them to a  settlement which is based in justice for all parties


R. we pray……”Lord  hear and grant our prayers”

R. As winter commences we rember those who are living on our streets and pray for the Lord’s protection for them a nd his guidance for all who work to relieve their plight         


R.  We pray……”Lord hear and grant our prayers”

R  We pray now for the deceased of our Three Churches and ask that  they may now rest in the Lord. We pray also for comfort for their grieving families and friends


R, We pray …….”Lord hear and grnt our prayers”

R. In the quiet of our hearts let us listen to the voice of our loving Father

                                    LONGER PAUSE

R.We ask Mary our Mother to join her prayer to ours saying HAIL MARY….etc 

Priest: Heavenly Father, hear and grant our petitions through Jesus Your Beloved Son who lives in glory with You and the Holy Spirit forever
