Christ the King Parish Council


Canon Matthew Jones (FMJ) President of the Council
Canon Matthew Jones
President of the Council

Fr Andy Bord
Fr Andy Bord
Ex-Officio member

Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor
Elected member

Chris Williams
Vice Chair
Elected member
Chris Williams
Vice Chair
Elected member

Lucy Bicker
Elected member

Simon Brockway (SB) Elected member
Simon Brockway
Elected member

Ivar Gray (IG) Treasurer ex-Officio member
Ivar Gray
ex-Officio member

Justin McCarthy
Elected member
Justin McCarthy
Elected member

Ami Liddington (AL) Elected member
Ami Liddington
Elected member

Simon Williams (SW) Co-opted member
Simon Williams
Co-opted member
Sally McLaughlin
Elected member
Sally McLaughlin
Elected member

Brenda Welsh (BW), Ex-Officio member representative of Christ the King School
Brenda Welsh
Ex-Officio member
representative of Christ the King School

Francis Price (FB)  Elected member
Frances Price
Elected member

Minutes of the Parish Council meetings

Christ the King Parish Council minutes 20 September 2022

Annual general meetings

Parish group reports – Parish of Christ the King – June 2023

Parish group reports – Parish of Christ the King – June 2024

Reporting structure, roles and responsibilities

Christ the King Parish Council group reporting structure

Christ the King Parish Council roles and responsibilities of members