Bidding prayers for Palm Sunday (10 April 2022)

Priest: Brothers and sisters, let us pray to God who saves us.

Reader: As we begin Holy Week, we pray for the Church and for all who take up the cross as followers of Christ.


Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for the courage never to be afraid to speak up for justice.

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for peace in our troubled world.

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for people who feel tired and weary from the struggles of life .

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for the sick and for all who care for them .

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

Reader: We pray for all those who have died in our 3 Churches, remembering especially Ann Warner of Christ the King, who has died recently.

Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We turn to Mary, the Mother of God, and ask for her prayers as we say; Hail Mary…

In silence, we pray for our own needs and intentions.

Priest: God of our salvation, your love for the world has no end: hear the prayers your faithful people make, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Holy Week

HOLY WEEK lies at the heart of the Church’s year. We are invited to remember the saving events of the last days of Jesus’ life, his entry into Jerusalem and Last Supper there, his death at Calvary and triumphant raising at the nearby Holy Sepulchre.

With Christians across the world, let us join together in these wonderful moments which speak of who Jesus was, what he did for us and who we are now – or who we want to be. Talking of which, the parish and diocesan SYNOD REPORTS have been drawn up and are available on our parish website.

The diocesan one has been compiled from over forty parish ones from across our diocese. Our parish Synod team are preparing points from our own two reports for a way ahead. We pray that the Holy Spirit guide us all, as always, into the future.