Holy week masses for 2022

HOLY WEEK is almost upon us already. There will still be some adaptations necessary, partly through Covid and partly through priestly availability!
Palm Sunday Masses as usual. Mass at Christ the King 9.00am & St Brigid’s 10.30am please gather in the Halls.
Tuesday Chrism Mass at the Cathedral 11.30am
Maundy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper at Christ the King 7.30pm followed by Watching in the Parish Centre. The beginning of the Sacred Triduum or Holy Three Days.
Good Friday Liturgy of the Passion at St Paul’s and Christ the King 3.00pm
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil and First Mass at St Brigid’s 8.30pm, including Reception into the Church of Ioan Davies, son of Fr Peter.
Easter Sunday Mass at St Paul’s 9.00am, at Christ the King 9 and 10.30am, at St Brigid’s 10.30am, to include Baptisms of mother and daughter Cathy and Jessica Moore, and 6.00pm


Cardiff Council are intending to put an “electronic gate” i.e. cameras on Crystal Glen between St Brigid’s and Fishguard Road to prevent all through traffic 24/7 except residents with permits. This is in response to residents’ concern about “rat run” traffic especially rush hour. While we sympathise with such concerns, this would have a serious effect on vehicles coming to or from St Brigid’s in the north direction via Fishguard Road. The cameras will capture all number plates, and anyone without a resident’s pass will be automatically fined. All services in the church and events in the Hall, plus callers at the Presbytery, would be effected, and most of all those coming for Sunday Mass, Baptisms, Weddings and funerals. We believe there are other options such as timing on the cameras limiting it to weekdays and rush hours.

The Parish Council and I have already responded in a residents’ consultation, now there is a public one. The deadline is 1st April! Access to the consultation is online via either of the routes below. PLEASE TAKE PART IN THIS CONSULTATION! EITHER via www.cardiff.gov.uk > English > (top menu) Resident > Parking, Roads and Travel > (all parking roads and travel menu) Transport Projects > Consultations > Current consultations > Fishguard Road OR a direct link to the survey https://wh1.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=164510002035

Fr Matthew

Bidding prayers for 4th Sunday in Lent (27 March 2022)

Priest:  We come together as pilgrims on our Lenten journey, and we ask the Lord to hear our prayers for the world and for our community.

Reader: The response is;

Lord, graciously hear us

In these uncertain times we pray for those affected by war and famine: we think of the anxious parents of hungry children in North Africa, and the frightened families living in Ukraine.   … … … pause …

Lord hear us

Here at home we pray for our young people who have had a difficult time through the pandemic. May they grow in confidence recognising how much they are valued by society and by the church, and may they generously play their part   … … … pause …

Lord hear us

And we pray for Ceris Dartnell and Adam Williams who were married today / yesterday in Christ the King.  May their lives be filled with joy and peace…… pause

Lord hear us

We remember Frank Callus whose funeral will take place this week.  Frank was a long standing and loved member of our parish.  He contributed so much to the life of the Parish; and to the lives of young people in the area through his role as a teacher.  May he rest in peace, and may Molly and his family be comforted.  … pause

Lord hear us

In silence let us ask God for our needs and the needs of our friends and families………… ………..long pause……………. 

Lord hear us 

We ask Mary, the other of our Lord, to join her prayers to ours saying;

Hail Mary………….

Priest:  We have put our petitions before the Lord. Let us remember that he is with us and will support us as we go about our daily lives.  We ask this through Jesus Your Son who lives in glory with you and the Holy Spirit forever.