3 Churches Newsletter


The 3 Churches Newsletter is published every weekend and is now available online and by email.  

Hardcopies are also distributed through our churches. In addition you can download and view the newsletter from this website each week.


You can subscribe to our newsletter for free and unsubscribe at any time 

Submitting items for the newsletter

Email items shoul be sent to simon@svpworld.com by close on Wednesday, making clear whether it is a 3 Churches matter or a diocesan or external event. Maximum length 60 words – longer notices will be edited. Note:

  • The heading should make clear what the notice is about
  • If the notice refers to an individual church, make this clear
  • For events give time, date, venue and a contact number or email address
  • For appeals for help etc give contact details
  • If appropriate, include photos and images for the on-line newsletter, confirming there is permission for us (copyrighted or unknown owner material can’t be accepted)

If you know someone who would like to receive this e-newsletter, you can invite them to sign up on our website.