Welcome to the 3 churches in North Cardiff

The Church is more than a building. On this website you are very welcome to find out more about our lively three church communities. Why not have a browse, or get in touch for a chat. We offer a warm reception and an ability to listen, along with support for the wider community.

Our vision is to build our Church into a vibrant and confident community which will grow as we share together in worshipping, praying, caring and serving.

Fathers Matthew, Andy and Peter and our parishioners

Canon Matthew Jones
Canon Matthew Jones
Fr Andy Bord
Fr Andy Bord

Changes to services at St Paul’s church

Due to essential roofing and maintenance work taking place at St Paul’s church, all services have been relocated to St Brigid’s (same dates and times) until further notice.

Family masses @CTK

CTK family mass

We need more volunteers to help with family masses at Christ the King held once a month. If you have creative ideas or are happy to help on the day with organising the children we would love to hear from you. Volunteers are vital if Christ the King family masses are to continue. Contact Marie (llanishen@rcadc.org) in the parish office.

Welcome Space

Coffee and cake

Wednesdays from 11am to 1.30pm at Christ the King Parish Centre. Range of activities including crafts, keep-fit, singalong, games, reflexology, guest speakers and demonstrations. Free refreshments. 

Christ the King masses this week

Sun rays at Christ the King R.C. church, Llanishen.

Note changes to masses this week at Christ the King:
Tuesday morning (23 July) 9.30am mass is replaced by Pam Hawkes’ funeral at 11am. 
Thursday morning (25 July) mass is at the later time of 11.30am to assist those for whom the usual time is too early or inconvenient.

Garden volunteers!

Summer sunshine and grass

We are called to steward God’s Creation. Please come along with any tools you have on Saturday 20 July, anytime between 10am and midday to help with gardening and fence painting at St. Brigid’s. Parishioners and the wider community can assist! The time coincides with the 3 Churches Free Food Market (10.30am to 11am) at St. Brigid’s.


For more events, activities, further information and latest mass times or changes check the latest 3 churches newsletter.

More news

Read all of our latest posts

Live streams from our churches

You can view live video streams from St Brigid’s and Christ the King churches below.

St Brigid’s live-stream
Christ the King live-stream

Useful links

Wednesday Word for younger parishioners

Christ the King School newsletter

Archbishop’s monthly newsletter