Tag Archives: lent

The journey of Lent


On Wednesdays March 12 – April 16 from 7pm to 8pm, the doors of St Brigid’s and Christ the King, and most other Catholic churches in the city, will be open, because “The Light is On for You”. Bring a Catholic family member or friend, come in, and rediscover our Father’s heart of mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). A warm welcome awaits you. To find Confession times in other parishes and for additional resources visit www.rcadc.co.uk/the-light-is-on-for-you.html    Also see: www.catholicnews.org.uk/ confession

Reconciliation Service

On 2 April the Wednesday “Light Is On” time 7-8pm at Christ the King will be a Reconciliation Service.


We celebrate eleven weekday Masses most weeks in our 3 Churches. Why not attend one more? Note Wednesday evening Masses at Christ the King during Lent will be at 8.00pm.

Stations of the Cross

The Way of the Cross will be followed each Friday at St Paul’s and Saturday at St Brigid’s, both at 9.00am before Mass. Why not come along?

The Great Three Days

In the second half of Lent, Fr Matthew will lead three gatherings reflecting on the Triduum, the centre of the Church’s Year. Starts 24th March.


Each weekend in Lent we will print a prayer for use at Mass and elsewhere. Here is the one for this Second Sunday of Lent

Eternal God,
You encountered Moses on a mountain and gave him the Law
and encountered Elijah in the power of sheer silence.
In Jesus, your Son, we see the fullness of the transformation you offer to us. Make us open to your transforming grace –
opening our hearts and minds to your Word;
so that the divine spark you placed within us in baptism
will be kindled to a flame –
filling and inspiring our lives with faith, with hope and with love.
And may its light reach out and touch the lives of those around us.


Fr Matthew 

Giving meaning to Lent

Ash Wednesday marked the beginning of Lent 2014. How will you be preparing to celebrate Holy week and Easter this year? Here are encouragements…


On Wednesdays March 12 – April 9 from 7pm to 8pm, the doors of St Brigid’s and Christ the King, and most other Catholic churches in the city, will be open, because “The Light is On for you”. Bring a Catholic family member or friend, come in, and rediscover our Father’s heart of mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). A warm welcome awaits you.

To find Confession times in other parishes and for additional resources visit here. Also see: www.catholicnews.org.uk/confession

Reconciliation Service

On 2 April the Wednesday “Light Is On” time 7-8pm at Christ the King will be a Reconciliation Service.


We celebrate eleven weekday Masses most weeks in our 3 Churches. Why not attend one more? Note Wednesday evening Masses at Christ the King during Lent will be at 8pm.

Station Mass

The Cardiff Deanery Station Mass with the Archbishop, clergy and people of the city will be this Tuesday 7pm at St Philip Evans. All 3 Churches should be represented.

Stations of the Cross

The Way of the Cross will be followed each Friday at St Paul’s and Saturday at St Brigid’s, both at 9am before Mass. Why not come along?

The Great Three Days

In the second half of Lent Fr Matthew will lead three gatherings reflecting on the Triduum, the centre of the Church’s Year. Starts 24th March.

Each weekend in Lent we will print a prayer for use at Mass and elsewhere. Here is the one for this First Sunday of Lent.

Lord Jesus,
You chose to share the accounts of your own temptations
with your first disciples and with us –
so that we should know that even you faced temptation, just as we do. Give us joy in knowing this about you.
And arouse in us the desire to share all we know about you with others, especially those who need to know of your unending love and mercy for them.
Fr Matthew